Glee Season 3 Premier Thoughts!

Glee Season 3 Premier Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 09.24.2011 at 6:51 pm

“Glee” returned, and I finally watched it (twice, the first time I was unfortunately not fully concentrating). So finally, here are my thoughts . . .

Yay for Will and Emma! It took long enough! However I can’t but help wonder what, or who, will come between them. It can’t be this easy now can it? A John Stamos return? Terry?

Sue running for politics and vowing to destroy the arts until every kid can read was . . . pretty dumb. I mean Will said it in the episode, those involved in the arts are likely to do better academically. I hope someone suggests she cut the Cheerios and the Football team instead at some point.

So many people left or got the boot from the Glee Club in this episode. Sam moved to another town, Lauren decided it was ruining her reputation and left, Quinn quit to become this bad ass punk (I did love her new look!) and eventually Will kicked Santana out because she sided with Sue and destroyed some pianos that Will got for the club. What the hell! Blaine transfered in, I guess we can also guess the kids who won the whole “Glee Reality Show” thing on Oxygen may show up too as members.

I was a little sad that they immediately in the first episode dived into the fact that some of the kids will be graduating this year and moving on, most notably Finn, Rachel and Kurt. I’m not sure where the others stand in terms of graduating, though Tina did state she and Artie were Juniors still. I don’t know why I always thought Kurt was a year under Quinn, Rachel and Finn. Actually they didn’t even tell us what year Quinn was, nor Puck or Britney or Santana. I assumed they were all in Finn and Rachel’s year too. I guess they are going to have to back track with some cast members, they can’t kick the whole Glee club out at the end of the year.

I loved the songs in this episode, especially the closing number from “Hairspray.” Mr. Shue was the original Link Larkin on Broadway, so it was a fun nod. It would have been great to see him singing too, perhaps he felt he sang that number enough though.

My final thought is . . . if Will is so concerned about the people in Glee Club being able to sing this year, Mike Chang better watch it!

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