Parenthood Returns for Season 3!

Parenthood Returns for Season 3!

Posted by Dustin on 09.14.2011 at 1:06 pm

Well, maybe 2.5? I don’t know, since the first season was really just a short run. It’s funny how much I enjoy this show, since last night also reminded me how much I want to smack the crap out of half of the cast!

Sarah found herself turning 40, and faced with Amber wanting to move out. Amber was sporting yet another new haircut, this one very 80s girl-band-pop-punk. She also was rebelling in other ways, like wanting to move into this horrible loft with no real kitchen area . . . and given what it looked like I would hate to see the bathroom. Sarah meanwhile was on a quest to get Amber’s diploma, which never showed up. She ran into the old teacher and they made out. I always liked these two, but given this is Sarah, I won’t get my hopes up. Jason Ritters run is said to be limited, as NBC is trying to make yet another show for him (after the failure of “The Event”).

Crosby and Jasmine are still living apart, but sharing custody of Jabbar, who has gotten really big. Crosby started to date, well sleep around, which got Jasmine a bit angry. It seemed like she didn’t want him dating, but when she realized she couldn’t stop him, she claimed she was doing the same. They’re not together and she still is playing these little control games with him. Mind you he’s still an ass for screwing things up, but neither of them have learned anything it seems!

Adam is still jobless, and Kristina is VERY pregnant now. Kristina got offered more work, which sent Adam into a “I’m the man I should take care of this family rant.” Minus points for Adam! In the end Crosby and Adam, it seems, are going into the recording studio business together – buying an old studio that is only marginally less frightening than Amber’s loft at this point. I hope they buy everything IN it as well, because maybe all those famous bands Crosby said recorded their left behind some long lost songs.

Julia still isn’t pregnant, but everyone around her is, including the coffee girl at work. She wants to offer to buy her baby – oh boy! The minute they start to adopt, she will of course get pregnant I’m sure.

Finally the best, or worst, is left for last – Haddie! Not only has her hair gotten more tragic, so has her life. She talked Alex into going to a senior party with her, everyone including her got puking drunk, and Alex got arrested when he punched a kid who wouldn’t let him take Haddie home. Of course the cops arrest Alex . . . not all the drunk underage kids. Alex, who also has a prior, is now facing serious trouble. Yes Haddie, this is all your fault as usual! I just want this entire storyline to go away. Can we send Haddie to reform school?

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I have to say this is one of the shows that I’m not sure I’m going to continue to watch. I DVR it and if I get REALLY bored, I’ll watch it. All of the characters just annoy me to no end.

    Comment by Beth
    09.16.2011 at 12:40 pm

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