True Blood: Dead For Halloween! (Season Finale)
Wow . . . just wow! I expected a lot of people to die last night, and had guessed most of them . . . but not that final one! I refuse to believe it is so.
Marnie, possessing Lafayette, stole Jesus’ demon magic and the killed him! I knew Jesus was not long for this world, I had begun to feel it the last few episodes. I am sad, especially for Lafayette who is left with a lot of guilt, but I wasn’t shocked.
Tara, Sookie and Holly raced to save Bill and Eric from being burned alive by Marnie/Lafayette. Holly conjured up dead loved ones, including Gran and Antonia, to talk Marnie out of Lafayette. Actually she didn’t want to go, so Gran ripped her soul out in a bad-ass Mortal Kombat like move. Marnie eventually departed with them.
Nan came to Bill and Eric, having quit the AVL and the Authority (actually being fired) and tried to convince them to join her in a rebellion. They rebelled all right and killed Nan! I wasn’t shocked, but will miss Nan. She had some great lines all season long.
An old war buddy of Terry’s showed up (Scott Foley) who will have a major part next season. We got a glimpse of what might be waiting for Arlene. Renee’s ghost came back for real and warned her of the ghosts of Terry’s past and how they were catching up, and she should run! Obviously Terry’s old war buddy has something to do with this.
Sookie had a bizarre threesome come true with Bill and Eric, but also decided to dump them both. There was a slight hint of something with Alcide . . . but we never saw it to fruition. So damn close! Alcide told her that sometimes their hearts lead them astray, their heads make more sense. Gran however told her, before she departed, to listen to her heart. Listen to Alcide Sookie!
Jason cleared his guilt and confessed to Hoyt, who beat the tar out of him. Jessica and Jason continued to hook up, and at the very end after a tryst . . . a knock at Jason’s door. He thought it was Jessica, I thought it would be Hoyt with a gun . . . it was Rev. Steve Newlander . . . with fangs! Someone turned the Rev! I was not expecting that at all.
Just when I thought last week that Sam may get a happy ending . . . well I did speak too soon. At the end of this episode Sam found himself alone in the woods with a great big wolf staring at him and growling. Who is it? I hope they made sure Marcus was really dead . . . .
Alcide was called to a construction site where someone dug a whole in a parking garage floor . . . yup . . . Russell has escaped! Though we did not see him at all, we know he’s out.
The final scene had Debbie come for Sookie with a shot gun. As she was about to shoot, Tara pushed Sookie out of the way . . . and it appears Tara’s brains got blown out. Sookie then finally killed Debbie and raced to Tara’s body where her head lay in blood.
Noooooooooooo! I was not expecting that at all! Many people around the net are glad, as they hate the character. I love Tara though! I have to believe she’ll be made a vampire or maybe the wound wasn’t as bad as it looked and V can save her or something!
Some stories still were left unresolved. What has happened with Crystal and the inbred panthers? What was the point of Andy’s fairy tryst? Will Jason ever turn into a panther on the show?
The show has started to stray pretty far from the books. I still enjoy it, but there were parts of the books I’d hoped they’d stick to. Not sure where they are going now…
Wouldn’t Eric have felt Sookie’s distress since they have a pretty fresh blood bond?
09.12.2011 at 12:30 pm
Last night’s show was crazy! It had a very different feel to it than previous episodes. I hadn’t foreseen Jesus’ death, so that was shock number one (although when she was holding the fork at breakfast I kept thinking that Jesus had better move his hand!) I guess it makes sense though as he served his purpose and the show has too many characters to introduce more next season.
Marnie’s passing was a bit anti-climatic but I liked when she said “This f***ing sucks!”. Goodbye Fiona Shaw – you will be missed. I hope you make space on your shelf for your Emmy.
As far as I know only 4 people knew where Russel was buried: Bill, Eric, Russel himself and Pam. I don’t imagine Bill, Eric or Pam would have unearthed him. Maybe Nan knew and wanted him on board for her anti-authority attack?
I wasn’t sure whether the reverend really was a vamp or dressed with fangs for Halloween. Given that he’s been missing for six months he’s probably a vampire. Nice twist!
I was shocked that it was Sookie who killed Debbie. I was expecting her to look behind her and find that someone else shot her. I’m glad it was Sookie though. She shouldn’t have to be rescued all the time. Might have some explaining to do to Alcide though. I was also shocked about Tara – I’m guessing Bill and/or Eric will show up in the first minutes of next season in response to Sookie’s grief and horror, but not sure if she can be saved. I liked her character but I felt the writers just didn’t know what to do with her. Boy, as if LaFayette wasn’t going through enough with Jesus being dead…
So Sam sure went all out on Tommy’s headstone eh? Nice penmanship on that piece of paper Sam. More than Tommy deserves though. Was nice to see Ms. Fortenberry – a bit out of character of her to be so nice to Sam. I guess she really does feel all alone (and missing her underwear and church shoes).
I don’t think the wolf was Marcus but another member of his group. I’m worried that the show doesn’t know what to do with Sam either but I really hope he isn’t killed off. Maybe he’ll have to team up with the werewolves be of use against the werepanthers (just speculating…)
Oh goddess! I almost forgot about Andy and Holly. Maybe Holly can help Andy raise his little fairy offspring.
09.12.2011 at 1:14 pm
I didn’t even think that maybe it was a costume for the Rev. I could totally see them doing that.
09.12.2011 at 1:27 pm
With how mad Pam was about Sookie I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one that let Russell out.
09.13.2011 at 4:52 pm