Big Brother 13: Eliminated Tonight and New HOH!
After the 5 minutes of recaps, we finally got to the show. We picked up after the veto meeting where Shelly and Adam went up. Shelly knew her chance in the house was bad, but she’s been working Rachel and Jordan since she realized she was in trouble (i.e. there went her integrity and class!). Rachel and Jordan did a Double DR and couldn’t wait to see Shelly suck up to them.
Shelly got the Fortune Teller to light up and move, and became obsessed with getting some power from it (later Adam would do the same on the feeds!). Shelly literally sat in the room for hoursssssss in front of this machine. This is some heavy editing, as this all happened before the veto and before she sucked up to Rachel and Jordan.
Rachel talked with Shelly and tells her she knows how she played the game, and she respected how she played more than another person who just floated through. However she doesn’t know she can trust her not to vote her out. Shelly offered her her diamond ring to hold as insurance. Rachel said she knows she’s a liar and a manipulator, but she’s done the best job playing this game. Shelly revealed in DR that the ring she was offering Rachel was a FAKE! The woman is still lying out her ass!
Adam came to talk to Jordan and Rachel. He said he has been true to them both, he wants to go to the final four. He was originally in a deal with Shelly, but not after what went down. Jordan told him if they help him, he can’t turn his back on them again. Adam promised them anything. Rachel however knew Adam was the ultimate floater, he’d stay with them as long as they had the power.
Rachel and Jordan talked with Shelly again about how they don’t trust her, they need someone who won’t backstab them. Rachel had been thinking if they kept Shelly, it put the target more on her. Shelly begged Jordan for forgiveness. Jordan said if she was so quick to turn on Jeff, how can they guarantee she won’t do it again. Shelly went into her 100% spiel she loves to say . . . which she’s been saying this whole game. They asked her if she’s thrown any competitions? She said only the first one . . . but we know thanks to Big Brother reminding us . . . that’s a lie.
Rachel talked with Jordan and felt keeping Shelly would be good, because Porsche and Kalia don’t want her in the game and don’t trust her either.
Julie talked with the houseguests for a bit before finally showing us Brendan in the jury house and his reaction to Danielle and Jeff walking in. Danielle drove up and walked in first, which he was thrilled by. They watched the DVD Big Brother gave her to see her demise. Jeff soon walked in though. Danielle was excited and said “Karma!” She said she did plan to keep him and Jordan safe . . . though he said “Whatever.” Brendan said their alliance may have gotten to the end had they stuck together in the first place! They then watched the DVD of Kalia sending Jeff home. Jeff learned through the DVD that he threw the clown shoe out, which cost him the game.
We finally went to the live vote. Shelly told her husband and daughter she loved them, and said to Rachel and Jordan that they are the most important people in this room . . . they have to pick someone who will ride with them. She said the past is the past, vote for her because she’s with them 100%. Porsche and Kalia made faces at one another. Adam spoke and said to vote how they wanted to, and he hoped they’d keep him.
Kalia voted out Adam! (Saying it wouldn’t count).
Rachel voted to evict Shelly.
Jordan voted to evict Shelly.
Shelly is GONE! She was evicted by 2-1. I think Kalia voted how she did for Shelly’s vote – and she told her in her diary message she did vote for her to stay!
Shelly talked with the Chenbot. Chenbot suggested Shelly made the move to get Jeff out too early. Shelly said she thought if she got through this week, she’d be sitting pretty. Shelly realized now that her move wasn’t so good. Julie said Jeff was mad when he left, is she worried about coming face to face with him? She said yes, but she did want to apologize to him. She did want to be friends with them for life. She says everyone loves Jeff and Jordan, she loves them too (except when she was trashing them). Julie asked about her daughter Josie and how she tells her not to lie . . . Shelly said her daughter would have her writing “I will not lie” a lot! Shelly then watched her goodbye videos. Rachel told her that she knows rings, she knew that ring was not a half million ring! Jordan says Shelly opened up her eyes, she never thought someone could turn on her the way Shelly did, and that hurt her. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
The HOH was played. Julie let them know they were playing as individuals once again. It was one of the comps where they had to make their way through a slime pit (crawling under an obstacle) to get an item, and bring it back to their stand. The person with the most after 13 minutes would win.
Unfortunately we won’t learn who the new HOH is until after the show via the feeds.
Update: It appears Rachel won. Shocker!
Dustin, Jokers is talking about an OTEV is that some type of veto? If so what. And do you remember what Diamond Power of Veto did?
09.03.2011 at 2:27 pm
Otev (Veto backwards) was the idol challenge. It would say “Bring me the name of the person who won the first HOH) and they’d have to race to find the name in the backyard and bring it to Otev.
Diamond Power lets someone veto the HOH’s noms and put anyone else up they want I believe.
09.03.2011 at 2:34 pm
Thanks for the reminder. IT was bugging me cause I didnt think that they had done any new style of veto other then diamond.
09.04.2011 at 12:00 pm