Big Brother 13: Power of Veto Spoiler Post and Floater Adam!

Big Brother 13: Power of Veto Spoiler Post and Floater Adam!

Posted by Dustin on 08.29.2011 at 10:37 am

Note: This is a spoiler post from the feeds. Sunday night’s show was mainly a lot of the back story of a fight between Shelly and Jeff (which the feeds for some reason blocked, I guess to show on air only).

The power of veto was played and one by Rachel. Apparently it was a game where they had to hold onto dummies as long as they could. Jordan dropped early, and felt really bad about that – she doesn’t want people to think Rachel is now carrying her through the game. In the end Rachel won, beating out Kalia.

Adam of course fell first, and Shelly fell only because her couldn’t risk throwing her back out or doing permanent damage to herself, cause she has a kid at home. She then spent the day saying she was not going to gloat like others, and she would just leave the house with her dignity and class (barf).

Apparently her dignity didn’t last long, as she eventually went to Rachel and Jordan to try and work things out. The lies poured out of her mouth like liquid gold. She told Jordan how she’s always 100% respected, always had her back – maybe just not Jeff’s, blah blah blah. This after spending days bashing Jordan and Jeff to Kalia and Porsche.

Jordan and Shelly apparently did make up, and Jordan even started feeling sorry for her! However She knew she couldn’t trust her. Kalia and Shelly are trying to get Jordan to vote for Shelly to stay – but it doesn’t appear to be happening.

Jordan and Rachel approached Adam to work together, but he told them he would stick with the newbies. However Adam must have realized he’s never going to win the next HOH, and if it’s endurance Jordan and Rachel have a two-to-one advantage over Kalia. So back to them he floated! They formed a deal.

So it looks like Shelly will be out, unless Jordan loses her mind and votes to keep her. If that happens, Shelly the liar deserves to win at this point because the people in this house are dumb!


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