Big Brother: The Power of Veto and a Backdoor Move!

Big Brother: The Power of Veto and a Backdoor Move!

Posted by Dustin on 08.24.2011 at 7:56 pm

On the last Big Brother we learned that Jeff put Porsche and Kalia up on the block. Jeff said he had barely talked to Porsche this whole game, so prove she wants to play. As for Kalia, he warned her this would happen when she put him up, so she too had to play to stay.

Jeff would be happy with Kalia going, but again hoped the stars would align so he could backdoor Danielle (from his DR).

Danielle knew she was the last one in the house to not go up. Kalia and Danielle knew if Danielle won, she could save Kalia and Jeff would have to put one of his own up. Danielle said she told Jeff she wouldn’t do this though, but it’s the only way to keep herself safe in the long run.

Adam talked with Jeff about his nominations, he was shocked he didn’t put up Danielle. Jeff said he made a point and he knows what he’s doing. Adam basically sucked up to Jeff.

Rachel continued to stalk/annoy Danielle and get on her nerves, which was her gameplan. Jordan told Rachel “Rachel don’t make me get on you. You are something else woman!” One of the best lines to come out of her mouth!

The veto competition players were chosen, and Rachel was the only person not playing, which made Danielle happy.

Jordan finally got to take off her humiltard with a silly little strip show.

The zingbot showed up in the house to ZING! All the guests. The Zingbot told Rachel every word our of her mouth was the F word – Fiance! He made fun of Jeff’s soul patch, and told Adam he looked like Uncle Fester. Shelly – what do you call someone who likes to smoke, hunt and fish? A dude! Hey Jordan, the only reason Jeff hasn’t proposed yet is because he knows you’re terrible at answering questions. The zingbot, once done with his zings, had everyone go outside to play the veto competition.

For the veto, the houseguests had to assemble parts of a Zingbot Fembot bride puzzle. In the end, Jeff won the veto! Kalia, Porche and Danielle all realized they had to convince Jeff to play the way that would keep them safe.

Kalia was worried that she may go up against Danielle. She cried this to Shelly. Shelly kept playing that side, keeping them strong, though admitted she still wanted to go to the final three with Jeff and Jordan (in her DR).

Shelly and Adam talked with Jeff about his thoughts. He wouldn’t reveal what he was doing. Porsche talked with Jeff too, he told her to just not be scared about tomorrow. Later Kalia also talked with Jeff about his thoughts. She again tried to make the case that she really didn’t have him as her target when she put him up, and she hoped she wasn’t his target. She also tried to make him see she has at least played, she would hate to go before someone who has done nothing in this game. Kalia also basically said her sides goal is to get a certain person out, which isn’t him or Jordan. Jeff said if she is still here next week, then they can consider themselves even.

Jeff and Danielle then talked. Danielle wanted him to keep Kalia, and that if that happened, then maybe they can work some final 4 deals. She said if she does go up, she will fight to stay. However she swore to Jeff she has her word to work with him, if she stays.

Jeff didn’t know what he was going to do, and hadn’t told anyone in his alliance any of his plans. Kalia knew her best shot in this game . . . was to be up against Danielle. Danielle said that Jeff swore to her face he wouldn’t back door her, if he did there would be hell to pay (if he did say this then it was on the feeds and not on the TV show as far as I heard). In the end, Jeff decided to use the veto on Porsche and nominate Danielle.

Danielle was pissssssedddddd! She said “Let the good times roll . . . shocker!” Jeff said it boiled down to trust, he gave her his word in the beginning, and she tried to backdoor him. He said he had to roll with the people he trusted.

Danielle swore to the DR if she’s still here, this will be Jeff’s worst game move. Kalia said she it sucks to be up against her best friend, but she will do what she has do to. Rachel of course was SO excited, this was PERFECT, nobody comes between her and her alliance! Jeff did what he for him and Jordan, then poked fun at Danielle’s catch phrases “Awkward” and “Shocker.”

This thursday is the double eviction ceremony!

*Update* It looks like this will be the HOH game during tomorrows Double Eviction Comp? They have to roll a ball on the track to the end (or as far as they can I guess).




  1. The main reason I don’t like Daniele is because she is always being so mean to those she doesn’t like but the second she doesn’t get her way acts like a bigger baby then all of them it’s really pathetic, two faced people bug me so much and I’m sad shelly turned into such a big one, even after her daughter tells her to stop lying she keeps doing it, get some balls and just say no I’m not on your side. That is why I like Jeff because he just says no I’m not on your side deal with, becoming a bigger fan of Adam by the day and of course always love Jordan, so sweet that girl, hope Jeff realizes what a wonderful hearted girl he has

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.25.2011 at 3:56 am
  2. I think Jeff is very self righeous and arrogant. Sometimes I don’t know who is worse, him or Rachael. I would love to see Jeff’s face if Danielle did stay or if he walked out the door right after she did. If Adam would actually think for once, Shelly knows what she’s talking about. If somebody doesn’t get Jeff and/or Jordan out soon, they will win this game. What is the best move for Adam? Vote for Danielle to stay so she can get revenge on Jeff, get him out and then he would have a much better chance in the end. If he would think about it, the order on the side he is on goes, Jeff, Jordan, Rachael, Shelly and then him. So he’ll be the first to go when its down to those finals, instead, he would rather follow Jeff around like a little puppy dog.

    Comment by Chadd
    08.25.2011 at 8:18 am
  3. Neither Adam nor Shelly can win a thing so if Danielle stays they are both screwed just as badly because Danielle will pick them off right after she picks off Jeff hello she already went after them last week

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.25.2011 at 10:00 am
  4. And are you saying Daniele is not arrogant? She thinks people would quit just because she got voted off, how do you get more arrogant then that

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.25.2011 at 10:01 am
  5. And didn’t she claim Jeff only won because she couldn’t play, HELLO ARROGANT

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.25.2011 at 10:02 am
  6. Well you can’t say Jeff isn’t arrogant. Danielle has her moments, but without her this season, the show would have been boring!! At least she likes to mix things up a little bit.

    Comment by Chadd
    08.25.2011 at 10:33 am
  7. Shelly plays every side in the house to her advantage, I think she’s the least trustworthy of them all. It seems Jeff has figured this out and is considering calling Shelly out to the house to get the target off his back for a bit.

    Adam and Porche are both pointless players, but they’ve made it this far, and floaters have won the game before!

    What gets me about Danielle is she is acting like a baby. claiming jeff broke her word to her. Um, in this very episode she had planned to save Kalia if she could, which would have been breaking her word to him. She breaks her word as much as he does.

    Rachel is just too stupid for words at this moment if she sides with Danielle, because Danielle will get her out first chance she can!

    Comment by Dustin
    08.25.2011 at 11:56 am
  8. I laugh when people say some one broke their word, some one lied etc, ummmm, hello, have you not paid attention to the show before applying for it? This and Survivor, which I also love, never fails to amaze me with the amount of people who go in blind as to what will happen. I am not saying you can’t play with some integrity, or at least still stay a nice person, but, coniving and backstabbing are part of the game. Outside the house you would never do what you do inside ( I would hope ) but with money on the line and a distorted view of reality after being locked away for so long, why would anything shock you. Yes, easy to say as I sit in the comfort of my own home, able to walk into the real world any time I want, but still…. it’s a game, it’s real money,people will do what they have to, and if you can’t accept that, why apply in the first place.

    Comment by lori
    08.25.2011 at 4:08 pm
  9. No I would definitely never say Jeff isn’t arrogant and I”m not really sure why he is so arrogant to be honest. Rachel seems to have lost all touch with sanity and what was with the possible pregnancy talk??? Anything happen with that?
    Agreed about Daniele’s behaviour, I don’t mind people who give it as long as they take it as well, she doesn’t it all has to go her way or it’s whine city

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.25.2011 at 4:09 pm
  10. As an after thought, I follow, and it’s really interesting to hear how the feeds cut when someone mentions the diary room possibly trying to influence someones gameplay. The big thing seems to be Dani having friends in production (as previously mentioned here) who will quit if she is evicted. Even mention of how certain hoh/veto games might be chosen as to who they want to keep in the house, as ratings would drop if they lost all the *big* players. Must have sent them scrambling after Dick left, as he would have been a huge draw ratings wise.

    Comment by lori
    08.25.2011 at 4:16 pm
  11. It also looks like concern came up that some people may have gotten tips on HOH game questions or what not.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.25.2011 at 4:23 pm
  12. I am hoping Rachel is just playing Dani and is not really siding with her…. I hated seeing ED leave before the first day even given he was one I was looking forward to seeing again.

    I dont like Dani to be honest… I would like to see Adam go further…

    Comment by CGinCA
    08.25.2011 at 7:02 pm

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