Big Brother 13: Third Evicted Houseguest Is . . . .

Big Brother 13: Third Evicted Houseguest Is . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 07.28.2011 at 8:57 pm

After tonight, the top ten is set, the golden key players are no longer safe, and the duos twist is over. Everyone is playing for themselves.

The show picked up after the veto meeting. Both Dom and Adam felt they were both safe, they both had deals with Rachel and Brendon.

Danielle didn’t understand why Brendon and Rachel turned on her, and she confronted them. She said if Dom went home, she will be pissed. She claimed she was here on her own, all she has is Dom. Brendon told her that they feel Dom will turn on them. Brendon told her she is the one who is dissolving the Vets’ group, she has gone and sided with the others. Danielle challenged him, claiming she had their backs. Brendon didn’t believe her of course, knowing she’s out for herself only and far too early on.

Jordan and Kalia talked, Jordan felt that people wanted her and Jeff out, and she was in on it. Kalia lied to her face that she didn’t know anything about a plan to take her out. The show of course edited everything to make it seem like Danielle was a sh*t stirrer, and in fact she has been. (Jordan and Kalia have since made nice)

Jeff confronted Dominic and said he F’d up and is going home. He worked to get Dom to admit the plan to backdoor him. Dom said he has no idea where this plan to backdoor Jeff came from. Dom said he never came up with the idea to backdoor Jeff. It was Danielle’s plan, he just wouldn’t rat her out . . . yet (He eventually did on the feeds).

Dom came to talk to Jeff, Rachel and Brendon. He swore that it was never his idea to backdoor Jeff. Jeff felt he knew whose plan it was. Jeff basically said he knew it was Danielle’s plan, but he gave Dom the opportunity to tell him the truth, and he didn’t. Dom claimed they wouldn’t turn against her if he ratted her out. Brendon said he felt he could trust him, but now he’s tainted because of Danielle. Rachel told Dom that he really like him a lot, and she hates floaters like Adam. A lot of arguing going on, and Jeff told him it’s not over until they say his name as going out.

Later Brendon and Kalia got into it, he told her she was a 100% floater, he has studied rocket science, so he is the man! She told him that he thought he was smart? Suck it! (OMG Go Kalia!)

Eventually a (very edited) house meeting was held due to all the tension. Jeff called out the plan to backdoor him, and how Kalia was in on it, which made her their enemy. Everyone begin yelling at each other, as nobody brought up Danielle’s part, Danielle who just sat there . . . . Rachel began to talk about Kalia’s “friend” who made this plan has been turning on her and everyone else in her alliance, so how much of a “friend” was this person. Eventually Danielle spoke up, calling Rachel an idiot, which unleashed holy hell from Brendon. Danielle admitted the plan to backdoor Jeff was her plan, as she saw Jeff as her biggest threat, nothing personal. Jeff said this early in the game? How was he a threat? It seemed personal to him! Jeff said they were on her side, she put her closest friend (Dom) in danger, and for what?

Danielle realizes now she has to win HOH or Veto to stay in the house.

Julie went to the group, who had been assembled before the vote. She asked some questions about the tensions and anger in the house. Julie asked Danielle if she is surprised it got such confrontational so early? She said no, and this was just a game.

The vote was held, and as usual both Adam and Dom got to make their speeches. Dom told some of the people were spineless jellyfish who were not going to get very far in this game! The vote was held and the results were . . . .

Jeff, Jordan, Kalia (holding back tears), Brendon, Shelly, Lawon, Porsche voted to evict Dominic.

Danielle (not afraid to go against the King and Queen – her words) voted to evict Adam.

Dominic was evicted by a vote of of 7 to 1. He talked to Julie, and said his speech was to light a fire and help Danielle out. Julie asked about his feelings for Danielle . . . he claimed he sold her out because the plan to throw Jeff under the bus was her idea, but he really did enjoy hanging out with her. Julie again talked about how he is the second person to throw the veto. Dom thought it would gain the Vets trust. Dom said he targeted Jeff because Jordan was sweet and wouldn’t come after him, but Brendon and Rachel are psycho and would have if one was evicted.

Dom watched his videos, the highlight was Jordan saying “As Rachel would say, nobody comes between her and my man!”

Julie told Dom she was about to deliver some news to the houseguests, so sit right there!

Julie said they had all made it to the top ten, and from this minute on the golden key holders was back in the game and the duo twist was over. She said the twists were far from over . . . . .

The HOH was an endurance challenge which involved everyone stuck hanging on a wall fake skying. The wall they were hanging on started moving to shake them off.

It will be awhile before we know who the new HOH is. Julie let us know to go to to find out how we can be a part of the next big twist!


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