Game of Thrones ends . . . Killing Leaves Us Hanging . . . . Falling Skies Premiers
So did anyone tune in for “Falling Skies” last night? It came up against a lot of other TV unfortunately, such as the finales of “Game of Thrones” on HBO, the finale of “The Killing” and the premier of “Drop Dead Diva.” Some quick thoughts on alllllll of these . . . .
HBO’s “Game of Thrones” quickly became my new favorite show to watch. Sadly it was only a 10 episode first season. Wayyyyy to short! It has been renewed for a 2nd season, and hopefully it will be a much longer season. I have just started book 1, which this season was based on. A friend said they did an excellent job staying true to the books, but have left a whole lot out. A lot of important back stories. For example in this episode as the younger Starks were in the Stark tomb, they quickly told some of these back stories by pointing to statues and saying who they all were.
I knew Ned Stark as going to be killed, I accidentally read that spoiler. But then in the finale they went and killed off Khal Drogo too. Geesh! These were some of the major stars as far as US/Hollywood goes. Hopefully fans will not flee the show come season 2. I absolutely loved the end with Dinaries (spelling probably wrong) went into the fire and hatched the dragons eggs. Even though her brother was an ass, and her father was the Mad King, she is one of the few people on this show I think is likable and I can root for.
John Snow is another, along with the young Stark girl (whose name I’m forgetting, Anya or something). Sansa . . . I actually did feel sorry for her when Jeoffrey made her look at her father’s head on the spike in the final episode. But she has been so horrid that pity does not come easily from me. I did love that she finally found some spirit when she said perhaps her brothers would bring Joeffrey’s head on a spike to her, which was in response to Joeffrey saying his men would bring the rest of her family’s head on spikes to him. Maybe there is hope for her yet!
Over to “The Killing,” well I’m not surprised that they did not reveal who killed Rosie Larson. After taking viewers on such a ride, spending most of the season focusing on the wrong suspect, I started to get the feeling this would not be neatly resolved. And it wasn’t. While the congressmen is clearly a sex pervert, whether he killed Rosie is unknown. It looks like his current girlfriend Grace could be the killer, but also the other campaign assistant who had always been kinda creepy. However we won’t know till season 2! Of course there was such a backlash from people last night on Twitter that who knows how long Season 2 will last . . . a lot of people vowed to not bother watching. I myself only half-watched a lot of the episodes. I felt it dragged on a little too much, and some episodes were just boring. You could fast forward to the very end of most of the episodes and that’s basically when they would find a clue to lead into the next episode. I’ll probably watch up until we learn who did kill Rosie, but the producers and writers are saying part way into Season 2 a new murder mystery emerges. Right now I’m kinda feeling “Thanks, but no thanks!”
I started watching “Drop Dead Diva” somewhere during the second season and got hooked. I watched off an on during the first too. I guess it was too good to be true to expect Grayson to remember seeing Jane as Deb, or to remember anything that happened before the accident. Now poor Jane has not only agreed to be his best man, but it looks like she gets sucked into planning his wedding to that Vanessa (or whatever her name is). I guess we’ll be spending the season having Grayson get subtle hints as to who Jane really is, like when she plans the wedding Deb would have planned.
Finally we come to “Falling Skies.” Had the previews for what to expect this season not had been as awesome as they were, I don’t know if I would have given this show another chance. This was a very very slooooow two hour pilot, which basically just consisted of a whole lot of fighting. The fact that I had just failed to be able to sit through the movie “Battle: Los Angelos” probably wasn’t helping here. The first few minutes basically consisted of kids drawings and voices telling us what had occurred. Basically it’s a complete rip-off of “V.” The aliens came in peace, but soon took over. They blew up the major cities and armies, forcing the everyday man and woman to fight.
In a “V” divergence, the aliens (which come in two forms: Insect like “Skidders” with six legs and their robotic mech/droids, on two legs) are kidnapping children and bracing them. That is they attach these things to their spines, which turns them into slave labor. Why kids? That’s a big question.
The show takes place in and around Boston. A history professor (Noah Wyle) is part of the 2nd Massachusetts, a resistance movement. He has three kids, but the middle kid was taken by the aliens. The oldest spots him in the pilot, which leads up to Noah leaving the resistance at the end with a small band of soldiers to try and find and rescue his son.
As I said, the show was sloooooowwwwww. And it focused way too much on fighting. The little mysteries, such as what the heck the aliens really want, and why kids, are keeping me interested. That, and like I said, the previews looked great. I just hope the rest of the shows aren’t as slow as these first two were.
HBO already announced next year’s Game of Thrones will only be 10 episodes – it’s apparently too expensive to make more.
06.20.2011 at 11:08 pm
I am not holding much hope for Falling Skies. I suspect that we will see this week a lot of drop off of viewers. I htink it left a lot of questions as to ‘how it got that bad’. I even read the comic that was on the website…. and some of the other info there and didnt find anymore answers.
06.25.2011 at 12:06 pm