Desperate Housewives Season Finale Thoughts . . . .
So I really enjoyed the two hour finale of “Desperate Housewives” last night. The creepy lawn stalker in fact ended up being Gabby’s supposedly dead step-dad (played by “Ugly Betty’s dad”). He supposedly skipped town and started rumors he died. Why years later did he come back for Gabby? Because of her trip home and her stirring up the past and finally making accusations about him.
He broke into her house at the very end, claimed he had taken her gun, and was about to rape her. She froze, but Carlos came home and clobbered him with a candle stick . . . killing him dead. Now I think given the circumstances Carlos would not have been prosecuted, he was defending his wife from a man who broke in . . . but it turned out he didn’t have Gabby’s gun, so he killed an unarmed man. Still . . . come on! The lady’s of the lane all helped them hide the body, as a big block party was going on and everyone was on their way from Bree’s house to Gabby’s. This of course is how Carlos and Bree also mended fences.
I really like Bree’s cop boyfriend. I hope he’s back next season, though covering up a murder could be problematic for their relationship. Poor Bree, she has a bad track record.
Susan and Mike moved back into their house. Susan was cleared of trying to poison Paul, and in the end Paul confessed to the cops for killing Martha Huebar. He wanted to be the good person Susan saw him as.
Tom and Lynette took their trip, but realized their marriage was broken beyond repair. They agreed that it was over. Lynette made a comment that she has been afraid of Tom leaving her for so long, but now that she’s accepted this, all she feels is relief. WOW! Tom also didn’t even seem to want to try to work on things during their trip. He was more concerned with the ball game on TV, or dropping how much money he makes to anyone who would listen. Tom really annoyed me. I used to think he was such a wuss because Lynette was always emasculating him, but I think he just is a wuss.
Do I think they’ll actually break up? No. But it would make for an interesting story, as I could see Renee making a play for Tom.
I enjoyed last night, but didn’t really get the WOW factor from it. I too, think its just stupid that they didn’t go to the cops. I mean come on…they would be able to figure out what really happened. I would have rather had it play out that he was LEAVING and then someone killed him…that way it was actually “murder” and not self defense!!! Because it could be justified murder so the friends would want to cover it up. Loved the enitre scene of Bree buring the food, HILARIOUS 🙂
05.16.2011 at 3:01 pm