Army Wives: The Men (and Women) Come Home!

Army Wives: The Men (and Women) Come Home!

Posted by Dustin on 05.12.2011 at 7:42 pm

So here are my thoughts on Sunday’s “Army Wives” episode . . . .

Roxy, and the rest of the base, got the news that the men and women were coming home. Roxy realized real fast she was screwed and quickly made up with Pamela after their fight last week. She did her best to get rid of Whit, but her partner wouldn’t have it. Before she could tell Trevor, he of course found out. He exploded on her, and decked Whit . . . who finally left. While Trevor had a right to be pissed, I think he went WAY over the line. He was calling her a slut in her place of business, and frankly I thought he was about to hit her honestly. Something else is clearly wrong with him, as even before this he was unable to perform his duties in the bedroom.

Michael learned the truth and the whole truth from Claudia Joy, about the cancer scare and what Grant did. He too was pissed, but with Grant for taking advantage of his wife at a delicate time for her. He warned Grant that he’d be watching him! I hope Grant doesn’t end up dead in the near future!

Finally Joan and Roland decided to try and foster an older child, with Roland having a boy in mind. However as his mother was a patient, sent away for rehab, there was a conflict of interest. The show ended with Roland and Joan surveying the local foster home playground and seeing all the boys and girls who needed good homes. My fear here is they will get one, fall in love, but the parents will come back before they can adopt him or her.

Posted in:
Army Wives



  1. I loved Michael going to see Grant, he is much older than I am and I normally don’t think of him as attractive but that in that seen the simple power behind his words and his protectiveness made him hot. I don’t like what they’ve done with Trevor, I kind of am rooting for Whit and Roxy at this point, lol, well not really but he was way out of line and a major jerk, he had a right to be mad but that was ridiculous

    Comment by Justwondering
    05.12.2011 at 7:54 pm
  2. I don’t like the way Trevor was acting either, but I think he has some problems still with Jeremy’s death and he is going to take it out on EVERYONE else.

    Comment by Crystal
    05.14.2011 at 9:38 am

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