Brothers and Sisters Finally Returns!

Brothers and Sisters Finally Returns!

Posted by Dustin on 04.15.2011 at 12:50 pm

It seems like it’s been forever since a new “Brothers and Sisters” episode aired, and this weekend we got two back to back. However I found myself more invested in the first episode rather than the second.

The first episode/hour, dealing with Olivia’s brother returning, was just heartbreaking and wrenching. I figured that Kevin and Scotty would not lose her to her brother, but with this show you never know . . . they like to throw those curveballs at you . . . Her brother was just a nasty piece of work, as it became clear the only reason he wanted to take Olivia was because Scotty and Kevin were gay and he didn’t agree with that. Olivia’s speech at the end of the show as to why she wanted to stay with the Walkers was great though. I however don’t know how welcoming I’d be of her brother if I was a member of that family!

The rest of the show and the second hour, I wasn’t that in love with. I did like Kitty trying to get her younger guy back, but Nora and Brody kinda bore me.

I posted some upcoming spoilers for the show . . . so SPOILER TALK from here on out . . .

I have a feeling Scotty learns that their surrogate didn’t lose the baby after all. It seems he learns something shocking about her, which I think is code for . . . surprise! Your daddy’s again!

Also it seems Justin finds out some paternity secret about a sibling . . . again? WHY! What did Nora cheat on William with Brody at some point after they married, and that one of the kids is Brody’s? I vote for Kevin.


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