Parenthood Returns Thoughts + April Spoilers!
So “Parenthood” FINALLY returned . . . . yet another heartbreaking episode!
Amber, who got a internship at Julia’s job, learned she didn’t get into Berkley OR to her “safe school” . . . yeah she only applied to two places. I felt so bad for Amber! She found out about Berkley through a phone call with the woman who interviewed her . . . so I am HOPING that she got the news wrong!
Julia got the news that she has scaring that makes getting pregnant next to impossible . . . Oh Noes! As much as she annoys me, I was on her and Joel’s side.
Crosby attempted to mend fences with Jasmine, but she told him she didn’t know if she could forgive him, and it was time for her to move on . . . um . . . GOOD! Crosby *Bleeped* it up, he needs to suffer!
Finally Zeek’s friend is going to put on Sarah’s play . . . Oh no! I have a feeling that Sarah’s family probably won’t love the way they’ve been portrayed . . . given it’s autobiographical.
Spoilers for the next two episodes follow!
April 5th – New Plan
CROSBY MAKES A SURPRISE PURCHASE, HADDIE ATTENDS HER PROM, AMBER AND JULIA BOTH RECEIVE DISAPPOINTING NEWS—MICHAEL B. JORDAN GUEST STARS—Crosby (Dax Shepard) does everything he can to get Jasmine (Joy Bryant) back. Meanwhile, Adam (Peter Krause) is nervous about Haddie (Sarah Ramos) going to prom with Alex (guest star Michael B. Jordan, “Friday Night Lights”), as Julia (Erika Christensen) tries to spend more time with Sydney (Savannah Paige Rae). Elsewhere, Sarah (Lauren Graham) works on improving her script while also trying to focus on Amber’s (Mae Whitman) future. Tyree Brown, Sam Jaeger, Max Burkholder, Monica Potter Bonnie Bedelia and Craig T. Nelson also star.
April 12th – Slipping Away
AMBER STRUGGLES TO COPE WITH DISAPPOINTMENT, CROSBY MAKES A “HAIL MARY” ATTEMPT TO GET BACK WITH JASMINE, HADDIE AND ALEX’S RELATIONSHIP GROWS—SCOTT MICHAEL FOSTER AND ACADEMY AWARD WINNER RICHARD DREYFUSS GUEST STAR— Amber (Mae Whitman) quits her job and begins to fall down a dangerous and destructive path. Crosby (Dax Shepard) works with Joel (Sam Jaeger) to mend his relationship with Jasmine (Joy Bryant). Meanwhile, Kristina (Monica Potter) and Adam (Peter Krause) overhear a disturbing phone call, which strains their relationship with Haddie (Sarah Ramos). Elsewhere, Sarah (Lauren Graham) makes progress with her stage play with the help of Zeek’s (Craig T. Nelson), old friend Gilliam T. Blount (guest-star Richard Dreyfuss, “Red”). Max Burkholder, Erika Christensen, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Heizer, Bonnie Bedelia and Savannah Paige Rae also star.