Army Wives: The News Cometh!
So we just had the 3rd episode of “Army Wives,” and we still don’t know who is dead! I mean come on now. This was teased in the season premier. Way to drag it out. However there is no getting around this issue next week as the men approached the wives at the end of this episode, and they knew what it meant.
Much of this show seemed to me to set Jeremy or Trevor up as the walking dead. Roxy and Trevor did sort out their argument over TJ, but TJ has serious anger issues still and hurt Pamela’s son. Meanwhile Tonya got cold feet and tried to break the wedding off, but after talking to Denise told Jeremy she just got scared and couldn’t live without him.
There was some back stories with Roland and Joan, whose daughter got accepted to an exclusive preschool, and Claudia Joy learning about Professor Chandler’s past troubles . . . . but it just seemed like filler. The whole episode did in a way.
So who is dead? I think at this point it is probably Jeremy . . . however the party was at Claudia Joy’s house, and thats where the men came. They wouldn’t kill of Michael would they? Claudia Joy does have a life established for her outside of the army now, so it could happen . . . .