Grey’s and Private Practice 2/10: Holy Crap Bizzy!

Grey’s and Private Practice 2/10: Holy Crap Bizzy!

Posted by Dustin on 02.14.2011 at 1:28 pm

So after the great Twitter episode last week, I felt this week’s “Grey’s Anatomy” was just a little bit blah.

The entire story with the Chief trying to talk Meredith into leaving Derek’s study and work on a Diabetes study, because it was something her mother wanted to pursue, was stupid in my opinion. We knew Meredith would never leave Derek’s study as it’s the disease that took her mother from her, and as they’ve hinted, could eventually impact her life.

I absolutely loved Mark, Callie and Arizona all living together and working as a family to look after Callie. Callie’s breakdown over caffeine withdrawal and Arizona being overbearing was hilarious. I loved her whole speech about how while everyone gets a vote in things, she gets an extra special vagina vote because the baby is inside her right now.

Mark meanwhile tried to get info on Lexie via Jackson. She still loves him, I just hope they can work things out. Oh and the scene where she was eating peanut butter cups? I learned from the iPad Sync app for “Grey’s” that the actress hates them, and had to eat 25 for that scene!

“Private Practice” meanwhile was amazing this week. Charlotte’s attacker showing up with a knife in his chest, thanks to his wife, and her holding the power of life and death overtime was pretty amazing. How she was able to forgive him is beyond me, but she did. It does really add to the strength to her character, or in this instance her reclaiming her strength. She was a strong woman before all this. Her attacker’s wife coming forward to say he did rape Charlotte also lead to his arrest and justice . . . . FINALLY!

Bizzy’s partner new wife died in the episode, and Bizzy was furious that Addison didn’t save her. What a hard place for Addison to be in. I have finally been feeling for her character, something I have a hard time doing because as Naomi put it last week, she screws everything up usually. The wife signed a DNR, so Addison had to do her legal duty, even though Bizzy didn’t like it.

Of course the OMG moment came when at the very end, Addison found her mother dead in her hotel, having OD’d on pills on purpose. I did NOT see this coming at all. WOW! I couldn’t believe they went there. Next week looks even more insane as Addison gets caught telling one too many lies trying to keep the family from knowing how Bizzy really died, her last wish.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I LOVE the Grey’s App thingy you talked about in a previous post (and this one). The Lexie, peanut butter cup thing, was great! Thanks for writing about it, I probably wouldn’t have given it a chance otherwise. 🙂

    Comment by Janelle
    02.15.2011 at 9:45 pm

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