V: Tyler and Lisa?
So I did not get to see last week’s “V.” It didn’t Tivo, and it’s difficult to find online. I did find it, but just ran out of time and never watched it and forged ahead with this week’s show. Fortunately I think I get the gist of what happened.
So Anna thinks that the key to controlling human emotions (and thereby breeding with them?) is extracting the human soul? That’s what the machine Chad witnessed was doing. My guess is it’s the human soul that makes breeding possible. I don’t like that Joshua is now bad at all. I hope he gets hit on the head soon and remembers he was fifth column.
Lisa’s body began to change, she began to develop her breeding skin. Diana warned Anna that Lisa would soon betray her, much as Anna betrayed Diana. One thing I didn’t get, in reading last week’s recap, it was revealed that Anna was infertile? But she had Lisa, and she laid eggs before? Did she suddenly become infertile because Lisa was getting her breeding skin? Confused . . . .
Erica learned Tyler was missing vital portions of his DNA, and the scientist guy that has joined fifth column suspects it’s so the Vs can put something into it. The show ended with Tyler going to Anna for help dealing with his mother (Anna said he was like a son to her) and Lisa going to Erica for help dealing with her mother. Hmmmmmm, ever notice how Lisa looks like Erica . . . and Tyler like Anna? Was there some serious genetic engineering/baby swapping going on?
The show ended with Ryan about to sell out the Fifth Column to Anna in order to get his daughter back. I have to believe he’s gunna give her fake names, or names of the rogue members. He knows Anna won’t just hand his daughter over to him, that kid is too important. I expect when V returns in 2 weeks she’ll also be 5 years old since she’s aging so fast (much like the kid in the first series).
Diana is infertile, we learned that in a conversation with her imprisoned mother.
01.19.2011 at 3:10 pm
Ahhh, the recap said it was Anna. I was confused there 🙂 Thanks!
01.19.2011 at 3:20 pm
While the show is getting better each week, I do have a few problems. Didn’t they finally notice that scientists were disappearing? What happened to the surveillance of the people who went to the treatment centers like Ryan? If all the V coats have video cameras, why are they unable to keep track of their secret agents? (also see previous question) Also, the dungeon Anna keeps her mother in: it seems huge and musky and not plausible in space ship.
01.19.2011 at 3:56 pm
I too was wondering why all the “John May” stuff had been dropped. It was so big in the first season, now nobody seems to care.
01.19.2011 at 4:33 pm