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Posted by Dustin on 01.17.2011 at 12:02 pm

So I am home from vacation. Believe it or not, I’m also almost caught up on all the shows I missed. Some shows still aren’t back (Glee, 90210) so that made it easy, and others (Idol) aren’t back yet. Though I am not sure how much I’ll actually bother with Idol, as it’s just not going to be the same. That plus last season was such a train wreck.

The only show I can’t find online or on demand (and I didn’t Tivo), is last week’s “V.” I’m pretty miffed about that, why ABC doesn’t have it online anywhere I don’t understand. I guess I’ll have to read the recap unless it magically goes up somewhere (but the season premier isn’t up either so I’m not holding my breath). I also want to give “The Cape” and “Off the Map” a try. Did anyone? What were your thoughts on them?




  1. You can see on CastTV. You really have search for it but it’s there.

    Welcome back can’t wait to hear all about it and see the pics.

    Comment by Sean
    01.17.2011 at 12:32 pm
  2. The Cape: Is a bit dark, and a bit heavy. Yet strangely I think it has potential, but it would have do far better on say Scyfy (SciFi) then on NBC. And given NBC owns both it makes no sense to me that it is not there. I from previews think Being Human, which is on ScyFy, would be a better fit. I sadly dont see it lasting, given NBC’s history with this type of show. They dont like the darker things.

    Off The Map: Watched one episode. So wanted to love it for Jason George. I think it will last, but I dont think I will come back, it had a one dimensional feel to it. There seemed to be no real layers of the onion to peel on it.

    Comment by CGinCA
    01.17.2011 at 12:54 pm
  3. Thanks Sean, I think I found it there, too watch later.

    CG, the reviews I read of “Off the Map” said the same thing. That it was a dumbed down doctor drama.

    Comment by Dustin
    01.17.2011 at 1:04 pm
  4. The Cape was a bit dark for NBC, but seems to be a very unique show. I think it will last, but probably be pushed over to SyFy. Are you going to wath Being Human on SyFy?

    Comment by Chadd
    01.17.2011 at 4:36 pm
  5. Definitely gunna give Being Human a try. About to put 2 hours of the Cape on 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    01.17.2011 at 4:57 pm
  6. Couldn’t agree more with CGinCA. The Cape was good. I will pass on Off The Map, as I found it very boring. Interesting how both have ER alumn in lead roles.

    Comment by Tricia
    01.18.2011 at 12:00 pm

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