Glee Rocky Horror Show
So just some thoughts on the Rocky Horror Episode of “Glee.” Overall I loved it. The lyric changes irked me some, as did giving half of Kurt/Riff Raff’s part to Finn. But I really enjoyed the episode.
The “Toucha Toucha Touch Me” number was probably the best, next to “Time Warp.” I enjoyed “Time Warp” the most mainly because Quinn got to sing again, and she rocked it out as Magenta.
The TTTM number however was great, because we got to not only hear Emma, but Britney and Santana as Columbia and Magenta in the background were just hilarious.
I am a bit sad that Will is stepping back from pursing Emma, but he is putting her first and not himself . . . which basically means he’ll win in the end (hopefully!).