Frustrated By Fringe
So I decided to finally add “Fringe” to my list of shows I blog about. I probably won’t blog about it weekly, but from time to time. I probably haven’t seen every episode from Season 1 and 2, but enough to know what was going on. Season 3 definitely has a more connected feel to the episodes.
Right now however I’m frustrated. I hate the FauxLivia story! I don’t like that the real Olivia also has been brainwashed on the other side into thinking that is where she belongs. The longer they drag this out, the more frustrated I know I’ll become 🙂
I am beginning to think that Walter crossing over to get Peter did not start this chain reaction destroying the other world as we are lead to believe. I think something else happened long before that, and I think Walternate is probably involved. He seems to be the one constantly making it known they are at war with our side and we are the bad guys, not them.
Then there is the weapon Walternate is building, pieces of which seem to be on both sides. Yeah, like I said, perhaps it was this weapon that started the other side’s breakdown? Whose technology is it also. Massive Dynamic, or those Watcher Peoples? I never saw the episode explaining the Watcher Guys fully, so I am lost on them. I guess I need to go read up a bit.