Glee: Leave Britney/Brittany Alone!
So the Britney Spears episode of “Glee” aired the other night, and I loved it! It was the highest rated episode yet too. Of course not everyone loved it. It seems it stirred up controversy and was too crass and crossed too many lines for some. Um, hello, it was a Britney inspired episode!
I think I really enjoyed it because Brittany was in it so much, and she always has the best lines. I loved when Santana defended her saying “Leave Brittany Alone!” There were a lot of good one-liners dealing with Miss Spears in the whole of the episode.
I absolutely also loved seeing Heather Morris singing and dancing. She was just amazing! Move over Rachel, she is taking over all the glee club solos from now on. Part of me giggled when near the end she said next week she’d be performing a Ke$ha number. I am not a Ke$ha fan, but would actually like to see her do it!
The one aspect of the episode I did not like was the whole Will-Emma-Carl/aka Uncle Jessie storyline. We waited so long for Will and Emma to be together, and now they are pulling “soap-like” stuff with them. Will just acted like a jack-ass through the whole episode and got on my nerves.
Next week’s episode looks really good with the “Grilled Cheesus” and Kurt’s father’s accident. Perhaps this will help bring Kurt’s dad and Finn’s mom back together? We haven’t heard much on what happened with them either.
Was the real Britney in any of the videos? I couldn’t tell.
As much as Kurt wanted to sing Britney, I don’t think he had any Britney moments himself.
I enjoyed watching Will dancing and singing to the Toxic (?) song, but it was inappropriate. The actor doesn’t get to do much singing/dancing. Not sure why he was so keen on Christopher Cross! That would make for a dull performance…
09.30.2010 at 10:01 pm
Tivo cut out before previews for next week. What accident? what else did i miss?
09.30.2010 at 10:18 pm
All we know is something happens and he ends up in the hospital and Kurt was there asking him to squeeze his hand if he could hear him.
09.30.2010 at 10:24 pm
Britney had a couple of cameos, the real one 🙂 But she wasn’t singing.
09.30.2010 at 10:25 pm
I must say, I thought the audience reaction to the Toxic performance was kind of gross! I loved the Sue scenes and though Heather did an awesome job!
10.01.2010 at 3:49 pm