The Winner of Big Brother 12 Is . . . .
So Hayden won the final HOH, in a tie breaker actually. Both he and Lane got all the answers on par with each other. It was the normal A/B question/answer asked of each of the jury members and you have to predict how they’d answer.
Hayden chose to take Lane with him to the end. The jury had a hard choice. They felt all three skated to the end with a social game. While Hayden won the most comps, Branden made a good point that neither was a target and it should be the social game they are judged on.
Ragan felt it was not far to give it to Lane for planing a good game and being nice to everyone. I chuckled, as he told Rachel the exact opposite not to long ago! That the reason she was out was she played a horrible social game and was mean to everyone.
The second saboteur was revealed to be Ragan, who not only won 20K, but was America’s choice. Nobody in the cast thought it was Ragan when asked!
Annie the original saboteur revealed her first reveal was a lie. There were no lifelong friends!
Anyways, the Jury voted and in the end Hayden barely won by one vote. Here are how the votes played out . . .
Lane – Rachel, Brendan, Britney.
Hayden – Kathy, Matt, Ragan, Enzo.
The final prize for America’s favorite cast member went to Britney.
Beside Lane you wrote that he voted for himself, was that supposed to be Brendan?
Definitely a boring season and no real horray he won from me, sees like a very immature boy was given a lot of money don’t see that lasting long
09.16.2010 at 6:19 am
The right person won the game. Between the two of them, Hayden needed the money more than lane. Hayden doesn’t own a gym, house, or airplane and his family does not enjoy the life of an oil business owner.
09.16.2010 at 9:33 am
Sorry yes Brendan. I fixed it 🙂
09.16.2010 at 11:38 am
Especially after the house fire (which I don’t think she had been told about as of last night), I’m really glad Britney won the $25k.
09.16.2010 at 3:21 pm
I don’t really think any of the house guests this time were really deserving of the money, just all around not a great year, missed a lot and didn’t really care, hope they find some better guests next time
09.16.2010 at 6:57 pm
bring back janelle
09.17.2010 at 11:12 am