Big Brother 12: Evicted and New HOH!
Ragan and Hayden are on the block, as we join the show. Everyone is seated in the living room, but before the vote we got more behind the scenes drama from the past few days.
Hayden was upset that Lane didn’t put Brittany up again, choosing a brigade member instead. Lane however has let Brit convince him that he should take her to the final two, as he won’t win against the others. He also knows she has more enemies than the rest of the brigade do.
Ragan has realized he is not in a good place. He knew he wouldn’t get Enzo’s vote, so if he could get Brit on his side, maybe Lane would chose him to stay. Ragan told her if she goes up against one of those boys in the final two, she’ll lose. If she went up against him, she’d have a chance.
He then went to Lane with his argument. He told him if Enzo goes to the end, he’ll win. If it’s Hayden, he’s more popular. He said Enzo and Hayden are more loyal to each other than to him. Ragan said this could be his week to make a bold move and get Hayden out, and they’d see Lane has played the game.
We then got a look at the jury house and the drama going on there. We first saw Rachel see Kathy walk through the door, though she expected Matt.
Then Kathy and Rachel got to watch Matt, quickly followed by Brendan come in. Rachel was happy to see her man, but sad at the same time as she wanted him to win.
Matt then confessed the truth, that he lied about his wife’s horrible disease. Kathy was not happy, as she is a cancer survivor. She was sickened and stormed off. Rachel and Brendan also let into him, saying how horrible he is for doing this. Kathy said what he did was pretty close to selling his soul to the devil.
The vote occurred, and it was unanimous . . .Ragan is out!
Ragan then got to sit down with the Chenbot, who he has been plotting to one-up all week. Julie asked him why he didn’t reveal the men’s alliance. Ragan said it was because Matt was one of them. They then did a lot of talking about Matt, and how Ragan felt he was like a brother to him. Julie also said he was not leaving empty handed, he won 20 grand as the saboteur.
In her goodbye message, Brit told him how sorry she was he had to go to the Jury house and listen to Rachel’s loud disgusting cackle . . . . they can’t let it go!
The next HOH game was played. It was a puzzle game that involved decorating a christmas tree from behind a wire cage. Basically they had to thread an ornament through a hole and they carefully work it up the fence to the tree and hang it. This game is going to take a long time to complete based on the way it’s going. Brit is having a lot of trouble, dropping or breaking ornament after ornament.
I’ll update when I see who has won! Hayden is the new HOH! So unless she wins veto this week, Brit is probably out!
Hayden won
09.02.2010 at 9:33 pm
Perhaps not. If Brit is sitting next to Enzo next Thursday, I predict Enzo goes home. I think Lane (who will be the sole vote) might vote out Enzo over Britney.
09.02.2010 at 9:37 pm
Brit should have had a much easier time with that competition than either of the guys since her hands were smaller and would have fit through the wire easier. It was crazy how poorly she was doing.
09.03.2010 at 12:03 am
Yes but just think how we all react under extreme pressure and she knew do or die, I would bet if she were to do that another time she would do a million times better just because the pressure was off, some people and stress don’t go together
09.03.2010 at 10:03 am
I think the problem was she had shorter fingers than the others. That’s why she kept dropping the ornaments.
09.03.2010 at 12:44 pm
Yes I think that was her problem, she couldn’t get a grasp on them. She broke a ton too and cut herself up.
Last night they were discussing putting Lane and Enzo up to BD brit, but that is a big chane. If Brit wins, they are screwed.
I have a feeling Brit will make it to the final 3. Enzo is in trouble cause Lane/Brit would vote to keep each other.
09.03.2010 at 2:14 pm
Hayden’s nominations really don’t matter. Nominating Brit and one of the guys or both guys really doesn’t matter. If Brit wins the POV, she stays and they are screwed no matter what!
This hasn’t been my favorite season, but I definitely have enjoyed some of the challenges…I feel like they haven’t done as many quiz-type HOH competitions as they have done in the past. I like the skill or endurance competitions much better…you get to see a skill other than who can memorize the most information.
09.03.2010 at 9:37 pm
Brit and Lane are nominated.
09.04.2010 at 10:57 am
Haydan won the veto, which means Brit is gone.
I swear if Enzo wins this whole game, I’ll scream.
09.04.2010 at 11:24 pm
Looks like Hayden won POV. That means he likely won’t change his own nominations…which means Brit goes to the jury house.
09.04.2010 at 11:24 pm
Lol, Dustin, AGREED! I will be so pissed off if Enzo wins. He’s been annoying me lately. Not to mention, he has done virtually nothing in comps! I guess, at this point, I’m going to root for the Texan oilman, Lane. The only part of that is he doesn’t need the money! His father is in the oil industry, and Lane’s entire occupation involves taking investors golfing! That only leaves “The Animal” who yells in the diary room because I certainly don’t want Enzo to win. Blah.
09.04.2010 at 11:29 pm
**UPDATE** Hayden won POV. Brittney has been evicted from the BB house and the first part of the 3 part HOH has been underway.
09.08.2010 at 12:27 pm