Big Brother 12: The Bitch Is Back Bitches!
So I never saw Sunday’s Big Brother, therefore I felt the need to make a post about tonight’s episode . . . even though I already kinda had in another post this weekend.
Basically Ragan won the veto, which meant someone else had to go up. In a twist, Hayden and Enzo bonded over the fact neither would shed tears to see Matt go, because he has too many people in his pocket. The Brigade, and Britney and Ragan. They have been trying to make deals with Brendan on the feeds all week too.
Ragan meanwhile cried to Britney that he would hate if she went up and home, as she is such a good person and he loves her. Really? This is the woman you host a bitchy talk show with every night and bitch about all the other house guests. She’s a good person? I will say her nasty rants about everyone in the house in the diary room are in fact the most entertaining part of the show!
Brendan the HOH opened Pandora’s Box. He was whisked away to a 24 hour vacation at the Jury House. Rachel meanwhile was sent back into the game. Brendon, it would seem, was lead to believe by Big Brother that he’d be on vacation with Rachel. NOT!
Upon returning, Rachel immediately got into a fight with Ragan, who tore into her about being a horrid person. Ragan went into this speech about how horrible she was, and how this game was more about treating people with class and she can’t do that. She fired back with “Do you feel the need to be the biggest bitch because your gay?” This has lead to a lot of sites on the internet to accuse Rachel of being a homophobe (which Ragan also did in his own way). I don’t think Rachel is a homophobe at all, and I do think Ragan is a bitch 🙂
The fights were the final straw for me. Ragan is the biggest smack talker in this game next to his BFF Britney. All he has done is bitch and be nasty about people behind their backs. I’m not sure what moral high horse in the clouds he lives on, but he showed himself later when he really tore into Rachel telling her how she’ll get what’s coming to her, all she does is walk all over people, and how she is a nasty devil. Rachel might not have been the nicest person in the world, yes she could be a bitch, yes her voice is like nails on a chalkboard sometimes . . . but Ragan is just as bad! She tried to tell him this was a game, but he kept going off on his moral crusade about how you win is by treating people with respect (but then talking about them behind their backs like he does.). Has he watched this show? The nice guy rarely ever wins!
Rachel left Brendan a pretzel message to put up Matt before she had to leave. Ironically what we didn’t see on air is that Rachel and Ragan did have a heart to heart and made up. I don’t know how much of that was Ragan basically realizing in fact yes he has to kiss her butt to get her vote though. My guess is if I tune into the feeds or After Dark tonight, Ragan with be bitching about Rachel and Bredan still with Britney.
Brendan returned and got Rachel’s message. He had a talk with Britney and warned her that it was between her and Matt going up. Britney swore on her boyfriend she wouldn’t put him up if she won HOH next week. Next Ragan talked to Brendan and tried to save Matt.
The houseguests got another video from the saboteur (Ragan) who warned them there was a competition tomorrow that will change the course of the game. Later though the saboteur told them it was a hoax, there was no competition, it was just him keeping them on their toes. The whole thing was to make everyone paranoid and sleep deprived.
BTW, there was another message not shown, that two people in the house were in fact childhood friends, and it was a male and a female (Not sure if they showed this Sunday night when I missed it).
At the veto meeting Ragan saved himself, and Brendan put Matt on the block. Of course we know Matt has the diamond power of veto, so he will most definitely put Britney or Kathy up. My guess is he’ll put Britney up because she is a competitor and Kathy will be easy to take out when needed.
PErsonally, I hope to see Matt go home next week after this move and “The Brigade” realize maybe they can’t trust Matt at all. I’d also like to see him on the block against Ragan, because then we’ll see how his moral compass helps him play this game 🙂
I have to be honest. I love big brother and have been watching the past 4-5 seasons. These hamsters are a snooze fest. No one is really a big competitor, “the brigade” for example, and those that show that they want to be there continue this cycle of putting each other on the block each week (matt/Rachel/brenden). Some of the drama is entertaining, but when most of the hamsters are nothing but floaters, it’s getting dull.
08.19.2010 at 6:55 am
This cast is a snooze fest for sure! NExt year BB either has to forget the stupid twists and concentrate on finding entertaining cast memebers, or do what they do in England and make an edition of Celebrity Big Brother. I know its come up before, and some hate that idea. But anything is more watchable then this bunch, including paint dry . . . which is normally what I feel like watching when I watch them.
08.19.2010 at 10:56 am
I don’t understand what Rachel and Brendon mean about wanting floaters out…other than the brigade which no one knows about there are no alliances other than Rachel and Brendon so technically aren’t they all floaters???
08.19.2010 at 12:39 pm
Everyone assumes Matt and Ragan have something cause they seem to be besties.
However when they say floaters, they usually in this game mean someone like Lane or Kathy, who wins nothing, who doesn’t even really try to win. People who just float through the game and don’t compete or play it in any way.
08.19.2010 at 12:54 pm
Floaters are people that simply follow the power, who is in charge they butter up in hopes of not being nominated. And then when the new power player gets into the HoH they butter that person up.
And that is what the majority of the house is doing. Floating.
But what is worse they admit it essentially in the diary room. I hate doing this, but I will do anything to stay, and then when it comes to HoH comps they are really not trying so it is Matt, Brendan and Rachel who have had all the HoHs.
08.19.2010 at 1:05 pm
As sad as it is to say this, Rachel, brenden, brittany, and matt should have formed an alliance! They have been the only winners of the HOH competitions. Unless I’m missing someone else? But seriously, they should have. Their “hatred” for each other would have been a great cover up! Them in the final 4 would have definitely made for an interesting time.
08.20.2010 at 6:37 pm