Big Brother 12: What the BLEEP is going on?
I’m not sure what is happening, but Rachel is back in the house! She’s talking to everyone, but from what she’s said, she’s not back playing. I guess she’s there on a special visit. Julie Chen did say that Rachel might be back in the house!
*Update* from what I found on google, Rachel is back for 24 hours after Brendan opened (and is now stuck in) Pandora’s Box.
Following Brendan’s logic last time, when something bad happens to the house (Rachel returning) what good has happened to him? Has he been given a Diamond Veto too? Or some other power?
*Spoilerish Updates!*
Ragan and Rachel immediately got into a huge fight, with Ragan telling her what a horrible person she is basically. At this point, Ragan is more of a drama queen than Rachel ever was. He has been crying non-stop for days now.
Ragan the saboteur struck again, leaving a message that two people still in the house are life long friends, and it’s a guy and a girl.
If you wanna know how the veto worked out so far, I’ll put it below the jump . . .
Ragan apparently caused a scene during Brendon’s HOH room unveiling.
Ragan however won the POV. So basically if Matt goes up, he’ll take himself down and put up either Britney or Kathy.
Otherwise Brendan will put Britney up against Lane as originally planned, knowing Britney would leave.
Technically, Rachel could be considered the good and the bad returning to the house. Brendon may have thought that the “good” was Rachel returning…and the bad ended up being him locked up.
I haven’t been around since earlier today…can’t believe I’ve missed all this drama!
08.14.2010 at 9:57 pm
So does this mean that Rachel returned for a visit and Brendan wasn’t able to see her? LOL too funny!
08.14.2010 at 11:36 pm
So far YES! ANd that’s why I think Brendon is getting something out of this 🙂
08.14.2010 at 11:38 pm
It sounds like Brendon was taken on a short trip or something.
08.15.2010 at 6:39 pm
Yeah, looks like he didn’t get to see Rachel either.
The brigade, or some of them, are trying to get Brendan to put Britney up. I’m not sure if they are trying to save Matt or not, because it seems Enzo and Hayden want to get Matt out sooner than the final 4.
08.15.2010 at 7:17 pm
Ragan is a disgusting person. Read the whole fight, what a bore. If that boy had a brain in his head he would remember that she was headed back the the JURY house and would be voting on the winner.
08.16.2010 at 11:22 am
I am not fully sure as to what is going on. However it seems a special comp is set to be played which will change the whole game. Last night they were speculating someone may win the coup d’etate
08.16.2010 at 1:16 pm
I wonder if they were speculating due to the constant Saboteur messages that kept coming on almost every hour.
I believe Rachel and Ragan made nice after their fight. I saw a bit of a conversation they were having where they were both apologizing and Ragan was explaining that when she sees some footage, she’ll realize that she has mis-remembered things that happened. The part that I saw actually showed a semi-human side of Rachel, who wasn’t getting defensive and pouty, which was her normal response to anyone telling her she was less than perfect.
08.16.2010 at 4:56 pm
Apparently there was a message left by Rachel for Brendan using pretzels or something like that…. Does anyone know anything more about it? Been trying to find it on Jokers and failing.
08.17.2010 at 3:34 pm
I believe she told him to put Matt up from what I understand.
08.17.2010 at 3:47 pm