Big Brother 12: Nominations Are In!
If you don’t wanna wait till Sunday . . . read on!
P.S. I’m adding a hilarious video in down below, but don’t watch at work or around kids, cause it contains language.
Brendan, the new HOH, apparently has nominated Lane and Ragan. Brendan had told Hayden and others Lane wasn’t his target, but Lane hasn’t been shaken once (he’s never even been a Have Not I don’t think).
Earlier it sounded like he was going to put Lane and Brit up, giving Brit a chance to win the POV. Maybe he decided not to?
He kept saying backdooring people was a crappy thing to do, and he didn’t want to do that. Maybe that was a lie?
BTW, Jules, a poster at, has been making these hilarious video spoofs of the houseguests, which in fact are better than the actual show. Here is her spoof of Britney and Ragan’s show “Just The Tip.”
Okay I know Rachel and Brendan were annoying as hell, but Matt, Britney and Ragan are just disgustingly gross people all around.
Last night Britney, when she thought she’d be on the block for sure, was just sick to death that everyone was kissing Brendan’s ass, people she thought were her friends were now up there being his BFF (Hayden and Enzo).
Ragan today was all buddy buddy with him, apologizing, saying he was sorry, things got out of hand. Ragan tried to make an alliance with him. Britney too today apologized.
Now that Ragan is on the block, he is crying non stop and saying what a horrible nasty and disgusting person Brendan is. Britney? She’s his new BFF up in the HOH room, along with Matt.
Ragan is just crushed, he knows if he wins POV, that Matt will go up. He was crying how Matt has such integrity, he wouldn’t want to see him go home either.
If Matt goes up, he’ll come down and Kathy or Brit will go up and HOME this week.
08.14.2010 at 1:50 am
Ragan won the Veto. So he’ll come off. Brendan has sworn to KAthy she won’t go up, so it will be either Britney or Matt.
Matt would save himself and then go for Brit or Kathy as a replacement most likely. He’d be smart to knock Britney out since Kathy isn’t a strong player, but Matt isn’t the super genius he thinks he is and will probably go for Kathy.
08.14.2010 at 4:08 pm