Big Brother 12: August 12th Eviction, First Jury Member and New HOH!

Big Brother 12: August 12th Eviction, First Jury Member and New HOH!

Posted by Dustin on 08.12.2010 at 7:29 pm

So once again I neglected to recap Wednesday’s show, which did have a fair amount of drama. Apparently not as much as Tuesday night’s feeds. How is it every time I am out, that’s when the drama happens? Damn it!

On the show basically Jeff and Jordan returned, and they are still a couple and together. Awwww, there is hope for Brendan and Rachel . . . maybe. However Britney won the veto and failed to use it, with Brendan trying to throw himself under the bus and make the house hate him enough to send him home. Rachel was touched . . . it was the most special gift she’d been given . . . *sniff sniff*

The show tonight began with the reactions to Brendan’s speech. Britney turned on him and wanted him out. Ragan too was upset and wanted him out. Brendan’s plan to take the target off Rachel’s back worked! At first that is.

Brendan didn’t mind taking the fall for the woman who might be his wife, the mother of his kids. Rachel then cried about how special and wonderful he is.

Okay American, I’ve figured it out. Rachel and Brendan don’t care about the money anymore. They know they won’t make it to the end. They are aiming for their own reality show out of this.

Rachel talked to Britney saying that she’s sorry, she didn’t know what Brendan was going to say. Britney went off on Brendan saying he was classless, he hates women, he is a sinking ship and taking her down.

Britney tried to turn the rest of the house against Brendan this week, knowing they originally wanted Rachel out.

Ragan is also campaigning to get Brendan out. He’s become BFF’s with Matt BTW, and hiding out in the HOH room for days after the blow-up that was about to occur on air.

Rachel tried to get friendly with Britney and Ragan to get their votes and claim she didn’t know what happened, they were friends once . . . Ragan said that her behavior and the theatrics have been outrageous. He says every argument that occurs usually originates with her or about her. That unfortunately set Rachel off, and she stormed off once again feeling (and playing?) the victim.

Brendan then confronted Britney and Ragan as to what they did now. He told them they went from being her best friends to stabbing her in the back. There was a lot of bleeping going on as well. Ragan called him a Neanderthal, and when Brendan actually corrected Ragan’s pronunciation of it Britney and him lied. He vowed to win HOH and take all them cockroaches out. (There was apparently a lot more that happened, Rachel apparently also went nuts on the whole house . . . hmmm).

The rest of the Brigade realized if they get Rachel out now, Brendan will get taken out next week all on his own, he has his target. However Rachel was a strong player, so to keep her is taking a chance.

Ragan was given a new task by America. The one he chose was to create paranoia that the person voted out might not be gone and true love conquers all. This got Rachel and Brendan’s hopes up, sending Rachel off on a “me and my man” rant. Everyone else began to worry, Matt was sure Rachel or Brendan must have a special power now.

We then went to the living room to talk with the houseguests. As usual none of the questions were really entertaining. Julie congratulated them for making it to the halfway point (Big Brother actually threw them a party). She said 7 of them would become the jury to decide who would win.

We then heard from Brendan’s ex-fiancee. She claims Brendan tried to change her, so she dumped him. She said everything he’s said to Rachel, she heard a million times. The ex-fiancee’s parents make a drinking game out of watching the show, and are so thankful he didn’t marry their daughter.

Brendan and Rachel made their “save me” speeches before the big vote. They both talked about how much they loved each other. The vote then happened.

Everyone in the house voted to evict Rachel. It was a unanimous vote.

Rachel said goodbye to Brendan, and they whispered to one another. Rachel then walked out without saying goodbye to anyone else. Brendan however told them all to be ready.

When asked about things, Rachel wasn’t shocked, and said maybe she’d be moving to LA for Brendan. Rachel watched her goodbye messages. Brendan told her how she was someone that comes once in a lifetime, and he’d get revenge on everyone. Julie then told Rachel she was off to the jury house . . . . but it might not be the last she’s seen of it. Sounds to me like someone might get voted back into the house down the road!

The houseguests played the HOH game. They had to untangle the rope they were tied to from a large web. The first one to do it won HOH and picked three people to be the have-nots. Of course it’s another one where we won’t know who won for awhile. It’s not an endurance comp, just a puzzle they have to solve.

The new HOH is . . . .

Brendan! However don ‘t forget, Matt has the veto to use and save himself this week. But when he uses it, he might paint a target on his back to others. I suspect even the Brigade might not be happy.

My guess is Ragan, Britney or Matt will be on the block, 2 of the three, with Brendan planning the 3rd as a possible replacement.




  1. Ugh. Can’t believe he won HOH! Why? Why? Grr! Whatever, Brendon better enjoy this week in the house because next week he won’t be able to compete for HOH. He will definitely be up for eviction!

    Comment by JS26
    08.12.2010 at 9:38 pm
  2. Yup, Brendan is the winner! However it doesn’t matter cause Matt will save himself (which then will make him look like a rat and put a bigger target on his back.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.12.2010 at 9:40 pm
  3. A few of the Brigade members talked all week about letting Brendan win this HOH, knowing he would target Regan or Brit and not really come after them. Hayden and Enzo are sorta in a fake alliance with him at this point, but I fear it may turn real. They figure they can target him next week when he can’t play for HoH.

    I was disappointed with the amount of the fight they showed last night on the live show. They completely cut out the entire part that showed Rachel digging her grave. She was going on and on and on about how she was innocent, she hadn’t been mean to anyone, she never celebrated winning like Kathy did…the entire time either lying or incorrectly recalling what really happened. They just showed her trying to apologize and then Regan calling her out. They also didn’t show Brendan’s monologue justifying their actions after the fight. He just sat on the side of the couch and talked to the camera for a good 10 minutes, then sat there waiting for Rachel to come out of the DR to protect her. The funniest part of the fight aftermath was when Brendan took a wine bottle all for himself and Rachel, and then tried to steal the corkscrew so that no one else could open any other bottles.

    I realllllly hope Rachel doesn’t get voted back in at some point…I may have to gouge my ears out if it happens!

    Comment by Holly
    08.13.2010 at 12:29 pm
  4. Holly I totally understand your annoyance but for sheer game play I want her back in. The Sheep this season need to get the boat rocked a bit more still and this crappy sab. is just not cutting it. Honestly Evil Dick did more just as his game play than they are making Regan do, and he gets 20,000?

    Comment by Erick
    08.13.2010 at 12:53 pm
  5. Ragan and Britney are kissing major Brendan butt right now. It’s pretty gross. Both told him how they got too emotional, they feel bad for how they acted now, blah blah blah. On the block bitches! 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    08.13.2010 at 4:21 pm
  6. It looks like the moron is targeting briny and will put her up against Lane, who he thinks is the saboteur

    Comment by Dustin
    08.13.2010 at 7:15 pm

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