Big Brother August 5th: 4th Eviction, Sabatouer and the New HOH

Big Brother August 5th: 4th Eviction, Sabatouer and the New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 08.05.2010 at 7:13 pm

I didn’t post an update for last night’s “Big Brother,” basically because I wasn’t feeling it. The hamster houseguests are grating on me, especially Rachel who constantly feels the need to YELL when she’s in the diary room.

Kristen and Hayden are up for eviction, and basically everyone knows Kristen is going home. Some of the guests suspect there may be a surprise double elimination tonight, but Julie never told us that and she normally does in advance.

Brittany tried to see what Rachel would do if she used the veto, and Rachel said she’d put Lane up. Rachel however told Brittany that so she wouldn’t use the veto, but it made “The Brigade” upset and more determined to put Rachel and Brendan up.

Brittany told Hayden and Kristin she wanted to use the veto to get Kathy up, but Rachel wouldn’t play that game (duh!). Brittany basically ran her mouth all over about Rachel (but oddly in the feeds has been Rachel’s new BFF this week! Last night they were having a tub session and mud masks and making fun of everyone, including Kristin). Brittany is playing the game well.

Brittany, Matt and Ragan was making fun of Rachel in the HOH room, and Brittany had Rachel’s fake hair extensions in and posing as her. However when busted . . . Brittany said they wanted to surprise her and she caught them. Rachel wasn’t that dumb, but said she was a good sport about those things. The highest form of flattery is making fun of someone.

Kristin put it into Brittany’s head that Rachel and Kathy are going to be taken out soon, and Brittany will be the only girl in the house and the guys will get rid of her quickly. Kristen played the game well and campaigned, but “The Brigade” won’t let Hayden go.

Julie Chen went to the living room to speak to the house guests, who had potty mouth syndrome and only wanted to talk about each other’s nasty farts. Brittany said Ragan had the worst farts, and he said the worst ones come from between Brittany’s legs. Julie just shut things down right there!

We went to Kristin’s family and boyfriend here in Philadelphia (Philly!). Kristin’s boyfriend is not happy. They’ve only been together for two months, but she said she would stay true to him. He said Hayden was a 24 year old kid, while he is a 31 year old man. He said as far as he is concerned, their relationship is over.

After talking to Rachel (hahahaha, giggle, laugh, talk real loud), the live vote took place. Hayden and Kristin got to speak, neither threw each other under the bus, but dogged Rachel without naming her (no class, etc . . . .)

Enzo, Matt, Lane, Ragan, Brendan and Brittany voted to evict Kristin. Only Kathy voted to evict Hayden.

Kristin was evicted by a vote of 6 to 1. She then spoke to Julie. My extraordinary psychic powers tell me that Rachel’s goodbye message will say something along the lines of “You tried to come between me and my man!”

Kristin watched her goodbye videos. Rachel did say it! She called Kristin a bitch and don’t ever try and come between her and her man. Ragan told her she was gone because of Rachel’s insecurities, while Kathy was genuinely sorry to see her go. Hayden however told Kristin about “The Brigade,” but said he would have chosen her over them.

Kristin wasn’t shocked about “The Brigade” and sensed that something was up all along. She went out with class I have to say, even wearing her hippie unitard.

The vote for the new Sabotoer came in, and America chose Ragan! However whether he is elligable to take it depends on if he wins HOH.

The next HOH game started and it was another endurance competition. They all stood on this giant paint can (on the side hanging onto the railings) and it spun and stuff was thrown at them.

Julie made sure not to entice someone to jump quickly . . . the first to fall was the one and only have not this week! Of course we won’t know who the new HOH is for some time. i’ll update you when I know!

SPOILERS BELOW! The New HOH and Have Not!

Matt won HOH for a second time, while Kathy is the Have Not for the week.

It would be easy for Matt to send Kathy home this week and not rock anyones boat. Will he have the balls to put Rachel and Brendan up? My guess . . . NO!




  1. Rachel is ridiculous. What is with all this “you were trying to come between me and my man” crap? What is she, 12?

    Comment by Kiersten
    08.05.2010 at 9:09 pm
  2. I don’t think Regan becoming the Saboteur has anything to do with HIM winning HOH…it depends on if the HOH opens Pandora’s Box.

    I truly cannot stand Rachel and I really hope she goes soon. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and her “you try to get between me and my man” bit every week is getting old!

    Comment by Holly
    08.05.2010 at 9:18 pm
  3. I agree with you both. Rachel is driving us all crazy and I sure hope she goes home this week!! I was thinking the Have nots are on slop? Is the have nots not on slop?

    Comment by Nikki
    08.05.2010 at 9:57 pm
  4. And we have our second repeat HOH… yay Matt. Came down to him and Regan again. Guess we know who the endurance competitors are!!! Loving it.

    Comment by Erin
    08.05.2010 at 9:59 pm
  5. Sorry you are right, maybe it was to entice them all to play, the first to fall is the only one on slop! I ‘ll correct that.

    It’s hard typing quickly with this show 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    08.05.2010 at 9:59 pm
  6. I will bet that Matt doesn’t have the balls to put Rachel or Brendan up though. Kathy will go home this week, because Matt doesn’t want to rock anyones boats. He talks the talk but won’t walk the walk. He wants everyone else to do the dirty work 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    08.05.2010 at 10:03 pm
  7. Oh no…that sucks. I swear he better put Rachel and Brendan on the block! Surely he learned his lesson from last time!

    Comment by JS26
    08.05.2010 at 10:06 pm
  8. If he doesn’t have the balls to put up the Annoying Twosome, then he needs to leave too! I know Matt had the “Backdoor Brendan” plan last time and it backfired…so my fingers (and everything else crossable) are crossed that Brenchel go up on the block and one of them goes home!

    Comment by Holly
    08.05.2010 at 10:19 pm
  9. Ok…he has officially said he’s putting the two of them up…I’m thinking BB might just want one of the two of them gone. Then they can save some $$ by not stocking the house with condoms!

    Comment by Holly
    08.05.2010 at 10:43 pm
  10. The problem is they are Veto MAchines, so if one of them wins and goes off . . . who goes up? Will the Brigade be enough votes to get the one left out?

    And I don’t think BB wants them out, they make good TV cause people hate them. The problem is, The Brigade is BORING! Like Hella BORING!

    Comment by Dustin
    08.05.2010 at 10:51 pm
  11. Totally agree, while Brachel is annoying as all hell, which takes alot for me to say since she was my pick on first sight, the Brigade is just a snooze fest, they talk about big plays and rocking this game but seem to be cool just floating by letting the chips fall where they may. If Rachel and Brandon go one after another I dont know if Ill keep watching.

    Comment by Erick
    08.06.2010 at 2:53 pm
  12. Brachel is on the block, and Brendon wants to go home over Rachel, saying she deserves this more. She won’t let him talk like that.

    I’m not sure what is going on, but it looks like Brendon has a deal with some of the Brigade? But they are probably lying to him.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.06.2010 at 11:03 pm
  13. I really hope Psycho Rachel leaves this week. She seriously reminds me of my 7th graders…she acts as if she has absolutely no clue what she’s done to make others dislike her. When she does something, it’s justified. When someone else does something, it’s an injustice. I know it would be fun to watch her self-destruct if Brendan left first, but she is really ruining the Feeds and BBAD for me. I hate that you’re stuck with one camera on After Dark…and when that camera is on Rachel and her snotty pouting and screaming speaking volume, I just have to fast forward.

    Comment by Holly
    08.06.2010 at 11:54 pm

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