Pretty Little Liars: Mothers and Daughters
So I didn’t get a post up for “Pretty Little Liars” last week. I’m not going to do a recappy post of this and last week’s though, rather just post some thoughts on what has been going on.
Alison’s brother Jason is a shady shady character! He seems to be just as bad as Allison, if not worse. However is he “A?” The problem is people come and go quickly on this show. I was sure the cop was “A,” but he just finally returned after a long hiatus. I’m still far behind in the books . . . I know . . . I need to get cracking! A side note, there is a possibility “A” from the books is not “A” from the show, as the cast has not been informed who “A” is, and most have read the books.
Toby, who seemed dead, is possibly alive according to the latest episode. He was “spotted” a few days ago at a rest stop. Hmmmmm, so Toby is still around to tell his secret. That is good, because I want to hear what he has to say.
The latest episode I really liked, because the parents were used a lot. Aria and her mom finally made up, so it would seem, for her moving out when the dad wouldn’t. And not a moment too soon as her dad was getting way too friendly with Hannah’s mom. Ewww! No! Your kids would not like this at all. Poor Laura Leighton, I love her to DEATH . . . but she always plays the whore! Though that’s not completely fair cause Chad Lowe’s character is the bigger whore here as he is the cheater.
Thank GOD that Spencer’s mother as a brain. When she told the cop off for questioning minors without an adult present I was thrilled! I was screaming that episodes ago actually. The only thing that could have made me happier is if she pointed out going through minor’s belongings (or anyones) without a search warrant was also a NO NO!
Through most of the latest episode Emily looked like a huge suspect in destroying Allison’s memorial (cause of several damning pieces of evidence), which also made her look like the murderer too in the cop’s eyes. However she claimed she went to say she was sorry for hating Allison the last few days of her life (and writing a nasty note) and finally admitted to all her friends that she was in love with Allison (basically coming out of her closet). By the end of the show, the real suspect looked like the geeky/photography guy that Hannah has a thing for . . . he hated Allison and had every reason to destroy her memorial . . . but I don’t think he’s “A” or the killer . . . then again that makes him the perfect suspect! I hope it’s not him, because I really like him and Hannah as a couple and was thrilled when Hannah stood up to her snobby friend who was always treating him like garbage.
I’m still very lost on who “A” may be, and I doubt 1) I’ll finish the books to find out before the end of this season and 2) we’ll learn who “A” is in this season 🙂 Therefore I’m not in too much of a hurry to finish the books!