Big Brother 12: 2nd Live Eviction and New HOH!

Big Brother 12: 2nd Live Eviction and New HOH!

Posted by Dustin on 07.22.2010 at 7:06 pm

Tonight was the second live eviction and the election of the new HOH. A word upfront, the HOH competition is endurance. The houseguests have been on inside lockdown since yesterday. So as soon as I know who is the winner from the feeds, I’ll update the post.

The show started with a recap of Monet and Matt being up for eviction, Matt going up as a pawn to get Monet out. The mean girls/BFFs Monet and Britney then went on their normal bashing of Rachel and everyone else in the house, who they feel is stupid. Matt joined their pity party and tried to play them up, saying Rachel and Brendan are going to get it next week. Matt was simply telling them what they wanted to hear, convinced he wasn’t going anywhere.

Hayden and Kristen’s showmance continued, which they tried to keep a secret from everyone, even though they are sleeping together! Of course they were caught by Andrew, who was in the room and pretended to be asleep.

Rachel, attempting to see where Kristin stood, lied and said people were saying Monet had her vote. Unfortunately Kristin relayed it to Britney and Monet, who denied it to her. This lead to an almost whole house confrontation. Rachel laid down that Monet doesn’t talk to her, won 10 grand, and would come after her and Brendan, so that’s why she’s on the block. Monet said she understood, but wants it clear she’s not going around being nasty, lying and calling people bitches. Rachel then said neither does she, she doesn’t use that derogatory word. Monet was so pissed she had to walk away!

Later Britney went to talk to Rachel, and Britney and Rachel exchanged notes on Matt. Both Rachel and Britney decided to try and make nice and keep each other from coming after another in the future. Rachel confessed to Britney that Matt volunteered to go up. Britney says Matt has been acting pissed at her and threatened to come after them.

A meeting was called to expose Matt as offering himself up as a pawn, and whatever other deals he had made in the house. Matt tried to deny he never said that. Monet laid into Matt for lying to her. Matt kept trying to say he made no deals and Brendan and Rachel strong armed him on another one of Rachel’s power trips. Matt did admit that he told Britney and Monet that BRendan and Rachel were his targets. Matt tried to claim he had no alliances. Monet said if they wanna vote her out for winning 10 grand, fine, but watch their backs around Matt as he’ll lie to them all and get away with it.

After a lot of ChenBot questions, the live vote was held . . . .

Andrew, Enzo, Hayden, Kristen, Ragan, Brendon and Lane voted to evict Monet.
Britney, Kathy voted to evict Matt.

With 6 votes to 2, Monet was out the door! And by out the door I mean it. She didn’t even stop to say anything to anyone. Julie asked her why she didn’t say goodbye? Money said she said goodbye to Kathy and Britney last night and this morning.

The houseguests then played for HOH. Once again the HOH was endurance. It involved them all having to balance on surfboards, that were attached to a wall. The surfboards moved and stuff was thrown at them like water. There was an incentive not to hang on, as the first 5 to fall were the haves, the last 5 were the have-nots. Rachel was a have for the week.

As soon as we know who the HOH is I’ll post it!

SPOILERS past this point!

Assuming the feeds don’t go off and this is a fluke, Andrew, Matt and Ragan are the only ones left. Ragan is making deals with both of them to jump, assuming he is safe fully, no veto replacement or anything.

Adnrew is gone, Matt and Ragan are left. Ragan is still making deals with Matt. Matt is going to put Kathy up since she voted against him, and he’ll either put Rachel or Brendan against her.

Ragan is trying to convince Matt not to put Rachel up, because he wants to be good with her, but he doesn’t care about Brendan. However he knows if they put Brendan up, everyone will vote him out over Kathy.

Matt is officially the new HOH!


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