Big Brother 12: Wednesday the 21st Show and Feed Spoilers!

Big Brother 12: Wednesday the 21st Show and Feed Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 07.21.2010 at 7:59 pm

Rachel put Monet and Britney up for eviction, and neither were very happy. Monet wanted to punch Rachel in the face, but she couldn’t. Britney just bitched and moaned to the DR about her.

Hayden and “The Brigade” were glad that none of them went up.

Britney went off and cried, and soon Monet joined her. It’s kinda hard to feel bad for “The Mean Girls” frankly. Monet and Britney both knew they were up because Rachel didn’t like them, and how they never said anything bad about her (really, nothing about her fake boobs and all?). Then they went off and called her a stupid hooker!

Both Britney and Monet talked to Rachel. Rachel confessed to Britney that her focus is Monet, and she thinks Monet is after her and Brendan. Britney didn’t want to leave, but didn’t want Monet to leave either. Britney then threw Andrew under the bus, saying he was her target.

Later Rachel broke down to Brendan, thinking she made Britney cry and she doesn’t like being mean. Brendan told her it was a game, then we had to watch the two of them getting it on. Britney and Monet then went into “Mean Girl” mode and bashed Rachel and Brendan a new pair of buttholes. It may be CBS editing, but I don’t think so. These two are just spoiled brats, even from what I’ve watched on the feeds.

We learned that Matt has been going around telling everyone he’s here to play for his wife, who has some horrible and potentially fatal disease. She doesn’t, he’s lying about this to win the game. Hmmmmm, since he used a real disease, I’m guessing some protests will come up in the news feeds tomorrow from groups of people really suffering from this disease. Matt swore up and down to the DR that if he won, he’d make a donation in honor of the disease in exchange of exploiting it. I guess he’s beating the protesters to the punch!

Andrew, who claims he’s a shoe salesman, also feels Matt got his disease name wrong as he never heard of it or anything like it. He is onto Matt’s lie . . . .

The veto competition was held. Rachel, Monet, Britney, Brendan, Enzo, and Lane were playing. Ragan was chosen be the host. The game involved in them being put into some stocks, holding a briefcase, and having to drop the briefcase after one hour. The one who was the closest timewise won. Britney, because of the heat, dropped first. She hoped everyone else would go way over, which is what they ended up doing! In the end Britney was the winner. The losers, which it didn’t seem to go into, have had to each night for an hour go out and get locked in the stockades.

Monet came to talk to Rachel, interrupting her and Brendan’s 1 millionth friskie session. Monet tried to convince Rachel to put Andrew up, because nobody liked him and then she wouldn’t make any waves in the house.

Rachel considered Andrew, but during a meeting Matt offered himself up in order to get Monet out. Brendan and Ragan were in the room when this happened. Matt wanted to be a pawn to save the “Brigade,” but in return he wanted Rachel to say in her speech he was a pawn to make sure Monet went home.

Rachel was torn on putting up Matt or Andrew. Brendon hoped she put up Andrew, thinking Matt was on their side.

At the veto meeting Britney saved herself, and Rachel put up Matt. Rachel did in fact make it clear he was her pawn to get Monet out.

Feed Spoilers Follow!

There was a lot not shown of course. Britney and Monet both felt Kathy threw them under the bus to Rachel and put the idea in her head to put them up . . . when not only did Rachel already have them in mind, but some lies from Matt apparently helped seal the deal. The girls did work things out with Kathy.

All hell broke loose last night. Rachel and Britney had a huge talk and compared notes on Matt. Matt got caught playing both sides. Britney had no idea Matt wanted to be a pawn, he claimed to them that Rachel was after him. Rachel said Matt offered to be a pawn.

A house meeting was called to expose Matt’s lies to everyone. The house was split on who came out looking better. Some think Matt held his own, others think Matt came out looking bad and Rachel and Brendon golden.

Matt attempted to claim to Britney that Rachel lied, being a pawn was her idea not his (which is another lie based on tonight’s show). She initially believed him and was even more furious with Rachel.

As is, Rachel and Brendan think they have the votes to get Matt the Rat out, but in fact Money will probably go home shocking Rachel. Ragan is also seemingly playing both sides. Then there is Hayden’s showmance/romance with Kristen . . . that will affect the Brigade at some point.


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