Big Brother 12 Sunday the 18th Show
So we got the recap of Annie leaving, as well as Brendon fessing up that he is more than just a high school swim coach, he has a masters in Physics and is starting a PhD in it in the fall. Regan and Andrew were glad the truth about their brains haven’t come out.
Rachel won HOH, and nobody but Rachel and Brendon are happy about it. Monet and Britney are furious, and “The Brigade” is worried one of them might go up. Everyone felt that Rachel winning means Brendon will be the brains and nominating the people.
Rachel showed off her HOH room, and basically nobody cared but went to see it just to kiss her “flapping butt cheeks” as Britney called them.
Hayden was worried he could go up. In the meantime he started a showmance with Kristen.
Britney and Monet meanwhile became BFFs and bitched about everyone in the house being fake, having fake boobs, having a horrible bodies yet showing them off. They have basically become “The Mean Girls” of the house.
Hayden talked to Rachel to keep himself safe as well as Kristen and his brigade. That doesn’t leave much! Rachel knows she’s safe with him because Hayden didn’t want her out, so she asks who he thinks would put him up. He said Britney. Rachel felt that Kristen was the only girl in the house she liked, and Britney and Monet were both fake.
Matt came to talk to Rachel and pretended he was paranoid he’d go up, but in fact he wasn’t worried at all. Unfortunately his fake paranoia plan backfired and Rachel is considering putting him up!
Rachel got a bottle of tequila in her HOH room, so she and Brendon got drunk on it and made out.
The have/have not competition was held. This time the teams had to select one person to tape to a brick wall. The player who stayed up the longest teams win, and they got to chose the four people who would be the have nots.
In the end, the have nots were Britney, Monet, Enzo and Brendon. The only other food they could eat were fish sticks and fruitcake. Britney hated both choices! I have to say America gave them easy foods this week.
The saboteur video came on for them all to watch. Annie then revealed herself to be the saboteur to them all. Most everyone is shocked, and Andrew was pleased as now nobody would suspect him anymore.
Both Monet and Brittany came to try and save their asses by sucking up to Rachel and claiming they wouldn’t put her up had they won, but Monet admitting in the DR that she so would have.
Rachel and Brendon talked with Hayden yet again. Brendon asked Hayden yet again to trust them, he trusts him and he trusts Kristen. Hayden swore if they put up Brittany and Monet then they wouldn’t make waves with anyone. Hayden was only trying to save his own team.
The nomination ceremony was held, with Britney and Monet being nominated. Rachel claimed they were nominated because Monet had already won 10 grand, and because of the alliances that were formed Britney got targeted.