The Gates and Scoundrels Return!

The Gates and Scoundrels Return!

Posted by Dustin on 07.12.2010 at 8:18 pm

ABC’s summer shows “The Gates” and “Scoundrels” returned, a long with a whole lot of shows that were not on last weekend due to the 4th.

On “The Gates” the whole police force was trying to find out who was able to trip house alarms all over the gates. It started off as false alarms, but then the person responsible really began to rob houses. In the end it turned out to be the history/computer science teacher at the high school. I may have missed it, but I am not sure if he had a motive other than robbery?

One of the houses robbed, well the police officer in charge of the security system and computers lived there. Something was stolen from her, and it affected her wellbeing. The doctor told her she had to get “it” back, the longer “they” were separated the worse it would be for her . . . This officer also got into a beef with the geeky male cop who is dating the young girl from outside the gates. She moved in with him, and the female cop was suspicious (jealous?). He lashed out saying she is always going off on there is no such thing as love . . . never fall in love . . . and he thinks she doesn’t even know what love is. However I think something is up with this girl, she is on a mission to get into the gates for some reason I bet.

In the end, the female cop confronted the teacher. He said he would return everything he stole if nobody pressed charges, and then made a comment about the weird people she lived with. She said she needed to make sure he took their secrets to the grave . . . and shot him! The last we saw she was putting a bizarre box back into a cabinet, and we saw a photo of her with a guy. I’m thinking the guys soul is in there maybe? She looks middle eastern, so I’m not sure what’s going on. Is she a Genie/Djinn? Was that her bottle or something?

The succubus girl (Annie?) ended up breaking up with the football/werewolf boy and deciding to give things a shot with the Chief’s son (Charlie?). I still don’t remember all their names, and it doesn’t help that they introduce new characters every show! The werewolf boy/football star is getting more and more involved with the white trash werewolf boy and his gang of wolves, which the mom doesn’t like as her husband and older son got killed by hunters.

Finally Claire met up with an old friend Christian (Brooke Shield’s husband from “Lipstick Jungle”) and he was a vamp too. He enticed her into feeding on real humans outside the gates. We also got a little more into Claire’s relationship with her husband. She is pretending to be the perfect home maker wife for him for some reason . . . .

Over on “The Scoundrels” we got a very Logan focused episode, and I really enjoyed it. We finally got to see Logan embrace his “West” side.

Heather meanwhile is waitressing in a strip club hoping it will lead to modeling jobs. Something tells me it will lead to something bad . . . for her and a customer!

Finally Cheryl got a job offer from a family friend (guest star Grant Show) who just wanted in her pants. That didn’t set well with Wolf, who ratted his business out to get Cheryl out of that position. Just seeing Grant Show being all horned up made me miss “Swingtown.” Sniff Sniff.


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