Persons Unknown: Joe Is A Bad Bad Man!

Persons Unknown: Joe Is A Bad Bad Man!

Posted by Dustin on 06.29.2010 at 1:38 pm

So two major developments on the last “Person’s Unknown” last night. We learned that Tori was pimped out by her dad to associates and dignitaries, that’s how he got where he is. Janet was allowed a taxi ride out of captivity and could take one person, she picked Joe. Tori begged their captures and her dad to give her a chance to leave to, she’d be good. A cab came to pick up Tori . . . but it looks like she isn’t going free. From the previews someone new shows up next week in Tori’s dress.

Janet and Joe attempted to escape, but they were left in the middle of nowhere and it was freezing. They found shelter in cabin for a short time, but it became invaded by bees (which Joe claimed he was highly allergic to). They ended up with no choice but to return to town. As the show ended, Joe went to the kitchen to order some okra. Apparently that was a password and he was taken into a back room where he talked with someone. He demanded to know what the plans for Janet were. They wouldn’t tell him, only to “trust in the process.”

I just got this bizarre this was either some kind of tough love, or brainwashing camp. “The process” was the key word. It sounded like they didn’t want anyone to die, but wanted something from them . . . to reform them somehow?


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. It also appears the lead chef at the resturant is involved. THat is who Joe was talking to. Though I dont think that Joe is the only one some how involved.

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.02.2010 at 2:12 am

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