Persons Unknown: Gas Masks!

Persons Unknown: Gas Masks!

Posted by Dustin on 06.22.2010 at 3:40 pm

I need to rewatch the latest “Persons Unknown” as I barely made it through due to an oncoming migraine last night. The episode however seemed to be about exploring some of the other characters we hadn’t really gotten a chance to know. The premise of the episode was gas masks were given to the guests, but not enough for each of them. This brought out the true colors in many.

We learned Cameron (the Ferris Bueller guy) apparently suffocated his bed ridden wife, who was dying or crippled by some horrific disease. Meanwhile the other guy who has been the jerk of the group and claimed was just a car salesman? He’s not, he’s something else.

I also am getting the feeling the hotel night manager is a lot more important, like perhaps he is the mastermind after all?

Meanwhile it looks like Janet’s ex husband, the horrible one? He’s the newspaper reporter in San Fran? That or some guy working for Janet’s mom just set him up with a detective at the station claiming he was her ex husband.

Like I said, I gotta rewatch when it’s online. I think I missed a lot 🙂




  1. what did you all think of seeing tori’s dad’s picture in the private investigator’s office?

    Comment by dani1elle
    06.22.2010 at 9:01 pm
  2. I rewatched today but somehow missed that!

    Comment by Dustin
    06.22.2010 at 10:11 pm
  3. But you know, if Renbi is Janet’s ex, that would explain so much, like how he picked up on her abduction. This was something that not even the police were interested in, yet Renbi plucked it out of nowhere? He just somehow stumbled across the footage of her abduction and intuited that something more was going on? No, it makes more sense that he would have picked up on it because he’s she’s his (ex?) wife, mother of his daughter. For some reason he’s been hiding. I’m betting there’s a story in there, and we’ll find out all about it over time.

    Comment by Aravis
    06.23.2010 at 1:44 am
  4. He also told his boss JAnet’s mom was abusive to her. When she asked for a source, he got all fumbly 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    06.23.2010 at 8:38 pm
  5. I was wondering why the soldier gave Moira his mask instead of Janet…although I have to say she (Janet) irritates me beyond belief!

    I am thinking someone paid off Renbe or threatened him to keep him away from Janet and the daughter…why else would Janet’s psycho mother want him found? If he was really so horrible, he wouldn’t be risking his life to find her.

    Comment by Cheryl
    06.25.2010 at 9:38 pm

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