Pretty Little Liars Thoughts
So how many watched “Pretty Little Liars” on ABC Family? I did and was shocked how much I got into it! The show is apparently based on a series of books, which I have not read. If you have, please don’t spoil it for us who haven’t! Though after that premier, I’m tempted to get the first book!
The show centers around 5 high school friends, best friends. However the summer before the show takes place one of the friends, Allison, went missing. The show picks up a year later as school is starting again, and Allison is still missing. The 4 remaining former friends have since been somewhat distant from one another. As the show progressed, each got messages from “A” threatening them about some kind of secret only Allison could know. As the show came to a close, Allison’s body was FINALLY found in her own backyard, and the 4 former friends reunited to attend her funeral. They all simultaneously got messages from “A” saying “I’m still here.”
First, I have to sat that ABC Family might want to consider changing its name to “The Kids Having Sex Channel,” cause man have they been pushing the boundaries with their shows as of late! (No I never got into “Greek” or “Life of a Teenager,” but know what they deal with) Not that I care or am a prude, cause in fact they are showing the consequences of such actions, but they still run the “700 Club” late at night, and I’m sure that old guy (Pat Robertson?) wouldn’t approve.
What I loved about this show was the mystery, all the unanswered questions. Is Allison really dead, or has someone just gotten a hold of her diary or something to punish the others? We were introduced to a character named Jenna, who apparently was an outsider Allison liked to torture. When she arrived at Allison’s funeral, she appeared either blind or badly scarred. Previews showed the girls involved in some kind of fire or explosion . . . maybe Jenna was caught in it? Is Jenna tormenting the other 4 as revenge? I love these kind of stories! Though it is very “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” but that was a good book too (the movie was only Ehh compared to the book, they really screwed up the killer).
So did you watch? Did you like? Thoughts?
I really enjoyed it! I am wondering if the girl who moved into Allison’s house is the culprit…especially since all of her stuff is lying around…but maybe that is too obvious. I am looking forward to it though!
06.10.2010 at 8:08 pm
I bought the first book via digital download lol, I am impatient 🙂
06.10.2010 at 8:13 pm
I thought the show was surprisingly good also. I just hope it is not another show that I get into that gets canceled.
06.10.2010 at 9:13 pm