Army Wives: Kiddie Blues
So last night’s “Army Wives” was another Debbie Downer of an episode. The highlight was Denises’ unexpected pregnancy, because she was told she’d never have anymore after Jeremy. However even that was not the happy event it should have been as Roxie was still mourning her loss, and Frank was afraid he’d be a screw up as a father again. In the end though, Roxy and Trevor did seem to come to terms with their loss, and both decided to try again.
Joan returned home, yet what should have been a happy homecoming wasn’t as her daughter cried around her as if she was a stranger. It was really heartbreaking. By the end of the show though, she said her first word, “mama.”
Poor Emmalynn broke her leg during a hockey match, one which college scouts attended. The outlook on her leg isn’t good, as the injury she has will need a full year to heal. She also worried this would be a career ender, and she wouldn’t get a scholarship.
Finally the tear jerker storyline was Pam and Chase realizing their relationship was broken and neither knew how to fix it. By the end of the show we saw Chase pack a bag and move out.
The previews for next week indicate a 6 month jump in time, with Denise fairly pregnant in the previews. I guess they did this so we don’t have to wait too long to have things like Pam and Chase’s marital issues resolved, Emmalyn’s leg issues advanced, and we will probably see Denise give birth by the end of the season.
Not much was mentioned about Claudia Joy in this episode, but I imagine we’ll see her in school come the next episode. There was no real hints as to what awaited Roxy and Trevor. I have a bad feeling they won’t have an easy time getting pregnant again.