Friday Night Spooktacular Finales

Friday Night Spooktacular Finales

Posted by Dustin on 05.23.2010 at 11:55 am

So Friday night brought us the season finales of “Medium” and “Ghost Whisperer,” possibly the series finally for the later.

If that was the final “Ghost Whisperer,” I feel I would be satisfied. Both shows not only wrapped up the stories, but left us in good places, as if they knew chance for renewal might not happen. No horrid cliff hangers dangling the fans.

On “Ghost Whisperer” we learned Aiden didn’t listen to his parents and was still talking to the shinies, who as it turned out where crossed over ghost children. Aiden led them in a war to destroy the shadows, who were apparently trying to take over the world.This is why the shadows sought out ghost children who hadn’t been crossed over, they could become shinies.

Honestly I felt that the storyline was somewhat weak. This was all about a war of ghost children? This didn’t need a whole season to explain or come to fruition. But again, I was glad we weren’t left with some cliffhanger.

“Medium’s” entire episode had Allison dead and not crossing over, but sticking around to continue doing her job through poor Ariel. The whole show was a dream though, which I felt was fairly obvious. In the end Ariel got ready to head to Dartmouth for college, and Lee and Lynn finally got married. The show ended at their wedding with everyone toasting to the future.

I wasn’t that thrilled with this season finale either, but again, it was a good ending should it had been the series finale. Fortunately for “Medium,” which I enjoy more, it’s not. Allison will dream on, will Melinda make the leap to ABC? Time will tell.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I definitely liked both finales. I, too, knew Medium was a dream. The GW finale was good, too. But seriously, all season Aiden didn’t know what the shinies were, but all of the sudden he did? At least things got wrapped up though and if it is the last episode, I’d be okay with it rather than it going somewhere else and floudering for a season or two. The one thing that bugged me is that there was no resolution for the secondary characters. Not like they were involved in any storylines, but it would have been nice to know see them doing more than just helping Melinda.

    Comment by Melissa
    05.23.2010 at 1:40 pm

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