Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale: Brief Thoughts

Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale: Brief Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 05.20.2010 at 11:23 pm

So I just finished the season finale. Stop right there if you don’t want spoilers!

. . . . . . . . I warned you!

Unlike the other finales, we didn’t get any huge cliff hangers. I think after last season and even this season with the Knight/Heigl mess, we earned not having to wait a whole summer to find out who is and isn’t coming back (and if they are even going to stay if they are coming back!).

Aside from a slew of unknowns, Dr. Percy and Reid (forget her last name) were taken out. These were two of the four Mercy Westers. I believe both have been cast on new shows, so it’s not shocking. I never liked either of them, so I can’t say I was chocked up. I did however feel for Dr. Percy’s death scene, and poor Bailey!

I did expect Miranda’s love interest, Jason George, to go as well. He’s been cast on Shonda Rhimes new show for the fall. Maybe they are keeping that door open though for a return?

April and the guy who Christina had the on-off-again-kiss thing with both survived (I’m forgetting his name too). It will be interesting to see if April returns next season, and how she’ll be changed? If she stays, I hope it makes her a badass doctor. Otherwise I feel she is not coming back.

The first hour was intense, the second hour was intense and frustrating. I just kept wondering how they let the shooter walk away after being shot? How did the swat team not take him out? Why did they not descend upon him then and there? I guess that would have made for bad TV!

I think we will see The Chief take his job back next season, though after this does he want it? Derek made the comment he’d rather have something in his impaled head to see the inside of an OR over the mountain of paperwork he was stuck with. Well he did get there! You knew that was some foreshadowing.

Loved seeing Christina step up to save Derek, though I’m not happy they took away the MerDer baby. That was seriously the one bright spot of the whole episode. As Meredith and April worked on the shot Owen, when they said the bullet went right through him and Meredith was bleeding, I was fearing that meant it hit Meredith and she just hadn’t even noticed cause of the shock. That’s when she said “No, I’m just having a miscarriage.” Ugh! Heartbreaking!

Owen, in the heat of the moment, chose Christina over Teddy, while Lexie chose Alex over Mark. Poor Alex though, in his delusion, chose Izzie over Lexie! OUCH! I wondered if Katherine was watching tonight? That’s going to be an interesting triangle next season.

We also got to see Arizona and Callie finally work things out and agree to be with each other, another one of the few bright spots of the episode.

All in all, a great episode!




  1. The other Mercy Westers name is Avery (I’m pretty sure)! I think that is his last name, can’t remember his first.

    Comment by kiki15
    05.20.2010 at 11:45 pm
  2. That’s it. I remember his grandpa was Harper

    Comment by Dustin
    05.21.2010 at 12:01 am
  3. I have been trying to get back into Grey’s for a while but I just can’t make the leap. I am basically a recovering Grey’s Anatomy fan 🙂 I thought tonight was well acted, but poorly written. And why do they need guest stars when they hardly have time for all the stories going on??

    Comment by Megan
    05.21.2010 at 12:45 am
  4. This was a great episode. His name is Dr. Avery but I like to call him “Pretty Eyes”. Hopefully he will be sticking around. Great acting by all. I didn’t cry till Bailey sat down with Dr. Percy at the end. And when Derek was shot Ellen was great in that scene. All in all tough to watch but fantastic at the same time.

    Comment by Jay
    05.21.2010 at 8:21 am
  5. I think this was the best season finale, of any show, that i have seen in a LONG time. I was seriously invested the entire time. What great acting on everyone’s part and I never foresaw the guy in the OR with Christina. Unbelieveable. Great job Shonda and the entire cast.

    Comment by Beth
    05.21.2010 at 9:26 am
  6. It’s Jackson Avery

    Comment by Ashley
    05.21.2010 at 9:45 pm
  7. I am just watching grey’s now and wishing that April had been shot, or at least will not be back next season. I could not be more annoyed by her character, shut up

    Comment by Just Wondering
    05.22.2010 at 10:47 am

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