Brothers And Sisters Car Crash Finale
So last night was the big “Brothers and Sisters” finale. It was fairly slow up until the end, where we were left with huge questions.
Throughout the episode Kitty realized someone close to her was leaking info to ultra-right wing groups trying to bring her down. She never found out who (unless I missed this).
Saul realized he needed to be tested for HIV, as one (or more) of his former lovers recently died of it. He figured he lived this long, he must have been okay.
Rebecca and Justin agreed on a separation, but a work induced one. She will take her new job and he’ll go to Haiti for the year.
Nora paid for more tests and drilling at Narrow Lake only to discover an aquifer, a natural source of water that California was in great need of and would pay much for. They were now in the water business, Ojai is saved!
In the final moments, everyone was in various cars coming from various places when tragedy struck on the highway. Robert and Kitty’s car was the first to be hit by an out of control tractor trailer, which took out many other cars.
A lot of people were left in the balance as the show ended . . . .
-Robert it appears is dead from the accident. The actor is off the show, so it’s possible this is how he’s gone (earlier reports indicated Rob Lowe asked not to be killed off though).
– Saul was injured and warned Kevin not to touch him, it looks like he has HIV or possibly full blown AIDS, we don’t know.
– Holly was unconscious and in bad condition, with Justin rushing to try and save her.
Word is next season will pick up almost a year later. This would make sense, allowing Ojai to recoup (but not having to watch that) and whizzing through Justin and Rebecca’s separation (maybe advancing Justin to a doctor already). We’d also see Scotty’s restaurant up and running, but where would Saul be? Kitty could be in office, with Kevin possibly working for her?
It’s gunna be a looooong wait to find out how this works out. “Brothers and Sisters” tends to be good at these cliff hanger finales though. They’ve done this before!
If I remember right, Robert did tell Kitty who was leaking the information about her because at the end of the episode they were talking about releasing the tapes Robert had.
05.17.2010 at 8:23 pm
Ahhh! I thought the were going to release their financial records or something because of the wig debate lol.
05.17.2010 at 8:29 pm
It was the guy who robert was investigating who was sending out the info. He is just smart and powerful and was digging up dirt and making up stories…so they decided to release the tapes.
05.18.2010 at 10:37 am