Private Practice Season Finale: And The Unlucky One Is …..

Private Practice Season Finale: And The Unlucky One Is …..

Posted by Dustin on 05.13.2010 at 11:01 pm

Spoilers in here if you are not on the East Coast!

No big shock, Dell died from brain injuries received in the accident. Betsy will be going to live with an Aunt.

Not only is Dell a goner, but William left to basically go die at his daughter’s home, telling Fife who had to tell Naomi.

Naomi forgave Addison for the Sam thing, even giving them her blessing. It seems this was all she needed to tell Pete that she knew he wanted Violet, and because Violet held it together through the whole show she felt Violet was ready to be a mom and be with him.

Okay so which I am glad Pete is back with Violet, I can’t stand that it basically seemed the minute Naomi gave Addison permission to see Sam, she dumped Pete for Sam. Bleck and boo! Then she complained to Sheldon that just like him, she also felt she was always second choice. What what what!

Cooper proposed to Charlotte, who said yes. But after the day and Dell he took the ring back and said they would do this again tomorrow, this isn’t how they should remember this day.

So am I shocked? No, Dell was a logical choice. I do think they killed him for drama, they could have just written him out for med school. Personally I think they should have done that, then they could bring him back later on if they needed to. Various reports thought said the actor wanted to go.




  1. I agree, they should have just written him going to med school. They didn’t need the death drama to be a finale. I did have a few tears though. I say let Addison and Sam go for it…so they can break up. All this teeter tooter stuff is getting old. Just get together, then figure out you are not meant to be and MOVE ON!!!

    Comment by Brooke
    05.14.2010 at 8:42 am
  2. OMG I love Fife and the actor who plays him. I’m sad they killed Dell but given the material I think everyone did a great job. My only problem is with Amelia – I like the Derek connection for Addison, but it seems ridiculous (even for tv) that she would be a world class neurosurgeon or whatever. Reminds me of daytime soaps too much, where the actors have specialties in everything by their early twenties. (I know you have to overlook things on medical dramas all the time, but for me this example seems to be the worst.)

    Comment by Megan
    05.14.2010 at 1:59 pm
  3. I agree, I love Fife. The actor who plays him is paralyzed in real life – what an awesome job of this story! I can’t wait for more Fife-Naomi!

    Comment by Steph
    05.14.2010 at 2:06 pm
  4. I was confused by Amelia as well. I mean, Addison was mad at her before because she made a brain surgery call and she was only an intern for that famous Dr. lady. Now she’s this wonderful surgeon that everyone is fighting over? What?

    Comment by Beth
    05.14.2010 at 2:15 pm
  5. I know the show is cheesy/over the top at times, but I love the characters so much I can look past a lot of it. I think my biggest problem with Amelia is that I just don’t like the character much, otherwise I could probably ignore it. I have said this before, but I will say it again – I think ABC struck gold with this cast. The only actor I was a fan of before PP was Kate Walsh but I don’t remember ever enjoying a cast/set of characters so much. (Not since Six Feet Under anyways.) I stopped watching Grey’s when the stories got really bad, but I will definitely ride PP out to the end. I cried like a baby watching the scene with Dell and Betsy, and again with Violet and Betsy.

    Comment by Megan
    05.14.2010 at 2:34 pm
  6. I totally agree with everything you said Megan, and I too cried liked a baby.

    Comment by Tricia
    05.15.2010 at 1:14 am

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