Happy Town: Lost in Haplin

Happy Town: Lost in Haplin

Posted by Dustin on 05.13.2010 at 9:54 pm

So after last night’s episode, “Happy Town” is off the air until June 2nd. That gives me time to rewatch the first 3 episodes again and take notes. I have to say I am fairly lost, and there must be a million little clues I am missing.

I feel like there are too many stories going on right now and I am not sure where they are going. The rich boy loves poor girl and their families hate each other story I could do without. I hope it’s going somewhere, because it’s getting way more attention than some of the stories I would like to see more of. I do however love Francis Conroy as Mrs Haplin. She rocks.

I wanna see more of Sheriff one hand and learn about Chloe, who apparently hooked up with the Stifelletos murderer brother, who is now out of jail and stole the bird she stole from the third floor? I want to know what is going on there. I wanna know what the statue means. The Magic Man has a pet bird it seems, a connection? Maybe the Magic Man is the group of old women all working together lol!

Also what is up with Georgia’s trances? Why is she having them?

Merritt is just creepy. Who is he and what does he want? The previews say he’s basically obsessed wit the Magic Man.

The show ended with a fairly big cliffhanger, Tommy’s wife seems to have been taken by the Magic Man, who is back.

Like I said, I feel I need to rewatch and take some notes, maybe make some diagrams too.

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Happy Town

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