V: Lisa Lisa and the 5th Column?

V: Lisa Lisa and the 5th Column?

Posted by Dustin on 04.21.2010 at 8:25 pm

“V” gets better and better each week, though sadly it’s quickly coming to and end. I think we will be left with some major cliff hangers at this point.

Chad’s story was for once interesting this week. His dream of Anna attacking him, and his growing suspicions of her were pretty good. I think that UN Prime Minister (or whoever he was) is gunna go missing soon! Chad is no dummy, and it seems like Anna is invading his dreams as she made this comment about how he slept.

Lisa failing the empathy test was also a great story. Clearly her love for Tyler has “jaded” her. With him on the outs with his mom, he wants to live aboard. We still don’t know what Anna wants with him, but my guess Lisa won’t let it happen. Does Anna know the truth about his parentage? Is that why he’s needed. I’m reminded of the special hybrid with “powers” from the original “V.”

The V head doc is keeping Lisa’s failing the test a secret from Anna, as she should have been executed on Anna’s orders. He told her one day he’d call in a favor from her. So she hasn’t been pulled into the 5th Column, but my guess is she’s going to have to help them at one point. I don’t think she’ll join them though, to bring her in might be too much of a risk like the one guy said?

Val realized something was wrong with her baby and headed to a Visitor healing center, and was narrowly caught. Actually from the previews she was, but Ryan killed the doctor and they ran off. I was so looking forward to Ryan telling her the truth , but it looks like we have to wait till next week.

Jack, Erica, and that hired hand they brought in all tracked down someone who was killing off fifth column. In the end it turned out it was a human, a traitor to his own race. When questioned as to why he simply said “We can’t win!” . . . and then the show ended.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Definitely getting more interesting. I, like you, am afraid they may try to get a second season out of it. That might not be a great move. Mostly because I want answers now. Hah.

    Comment by Melissa
    04.22.2010 at 12:30 am

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