Tara The Therapist
Last nights “United States of Tara” was probably one of the best of the new season. I felt the first few episodes were going off in an alien direction.
I am still loving the whole Princess Valhalla Hawkwind think! Kate is such a hoot! I’m not sure where the hell it’s going, but I’m loving the ride.
Charmaine, lord how does this girl keep herself together? She might crack like Tara with all these secrets and men. Now she can’t decide how to tell the real father Neil the truth, but plans to? And she thinks it will just all work out for her?
I am loving Shoshana the therapist personality, and next week it looks like a Jewish Yenta personality comes out? Where the heck is that one coming from? Is Tara part Jewish?
I loved Max coming to Shoshana/Tara of all people to “talk” about things. At the end Tara stood outside her body and watched. This seems new, as I don’t remember her ever being on the outside watching before. She always never knew what her altars were doing before.
The best part, which is getting things back on track, was Tara having memories of some Mimi woman she and Charmaine spent time with when they were little? What’s going on here? Charmaine claims not to remember this woman. A neighbor, or a grandma or aunt the family shunned? The name didn’t sound like something you just call the strange old lady on the block.
I think at the end of the first season, and maybe once or twice this season Tara has been able to be herself and see her alter at the same time (Buck). And she said that she was able to see T making out with her son’s friend, but wasn’t able to do anything about it.
I’m curious about this new therapist alter. Does she really want to help (so far it seems that way)? if so, how will the other “protective” alters feel about that?
I agree that Charmaine is deluded! And was she too young to remember Mimi, or has she blocked it out too?
04.21.2010 at 10:23 am