Army Wives: Roxy Rocks!
Okay so I’m trying to remember what happened on Sunday’s “Army Wives” the best I can 🙂 I watched it way late in the morning on a re-run . . . .
Jeremy was given a clean bill of health by Roland, or at least told he was making excellent progress. Denise expected him to be given a medical discharge, but the army plans to send him right back into combat. It looks like it’s going to be Denise Vs the Army very soon! From the casting news about Harry Hamlin I posted the other day, I’m guessing he becomes Denise’s lawyer to get Jeremy out of the army. It will be interesting to see which of the Army Wives support her, and how their spouses feel.
Trevor began moonlighting as a pizza delivery man when he and Roxy needed more money. There is still a ban on Roxy’s bar and many other’s on the strip. With Claudia Joy’s help, she and the other owners presented a case to the army that this ban was pointless, as their men were going elsewhere to get into trouble. They proposed all sorts of programs to insure no more issues would happen or be minimized, and they are on a trial period with it.
Lenore of course got all up in Claudia Joy’s face about this, and how Claudia Joy chased her off and humiliated her once before. Claudia Joy pointed out Lenore did that all on her own. See the show hasn’t forgotten what happened, so how could they expect us to believe the Army has and has nominated this scheming witch for that Spencer Award? I hope Lenora goes down hard yet again, but worry she might come out on top this time.
Chase is gone on his training, so there wasn’t much developed with his and Pam’s story.
Joan received an eye/cornea transplant which has allowed her to see again. Breaking protocol, she found out who her donor was and wrote the wife of the man killed in combat a thank you letter. It was very very touching, let’s just hope it doesn’t get Joan or someone in trouble. It will be interesting to see where Joan’s story goes from here. Even with her eyesight back, it’s probably not perfect nor good enough for her to return to combat again (though this is TVland). Roland and Denise butted heads over Jeremy being discharged, as he defended Jeremy going back to work because it is what Joan would do and what the army expects. I have a feeling it might be Joan who sides with Denise in her case against the Army and not Roland.