So Long Ugly Betty . . . Till The Movie Hits?

So Long Ugly Betty . . . Till The Movie Hits?

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2010 at 10:15 pm

This past week was the final episode of “Ugly Betty.” Everyone basically got their happy ending.

– Amanda’s dog Halston died, but she met her biological father. It turned out he found her and that’s why he hired her as his stylist, to get to know her.
– Bobby and Hilda looked to move out and start their own home with Justin.
– Betty took the job in London and prepared to head over, while Daniel dealt with his feelings for her.
– Willy got back together with Conner, who might get out on good behavior soon thanks to helping turn over evidence on cellmates.
– Daniel quit Mode and gave Willy control, which is what he and Claire agreed on. Willy covered for the shooting incident with Tyler, claiming she was cleaning her gun and it went off.
– With Willy editor-in-chief, Mark looks to be promoted.
– Daniel followed Betty to London to ask her out to lunch, while she hinted she needed an assistant if he needed a job.

It was a good ending, I really liked how they left things with Daniel and Betty. They didn’t throw them together, but left enough hints to say it would probably happen eventually.

There is also already talk of a movie happening. Yay! I’m seeing something along the lines on “A few years later” with Betty and Daniel preparing to wed, which gets the whole gang back together?

– Oh – now that I’m thinking . . . . maybe I missed it, but did they ever resolve things with Tyler? He does know who his father is, but they didn’t have him expose or confront Cal.

Sadly Alexis didn’t make a return, so here is to hoping if they do a movie she’ll appear.

All in all, I loved the way they ended it . . . . but totally think it was canceled way before its time!

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Ugly Betty

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