Shear Genius: Wonder Twin Powers DE-ACTIVATE!

Shear Genius: Wonder Twin Powers DE-ACTIVATE!

Posted by Dustin on 04.01.2010 at 10:35 pm

So I haven’t posted much about the new season of “Shear Genius.” I actually cam in a bit late honestly, I forgot it started. The loss of Jaquelin as the host and being replaced by Jonathan Antin and Camilla Alvarez (sp?) didn’t appeal to me, but I have warmed up. I still think Jonathan is as full of himself as when he has his own hair show “Blowout” though.

I think if it wasn’t for Brigg on the show, I would have lost interest. She’s by far my favorite, just cause she’s so out there, and now she’s in the final 3! I think I’m so over Matthew and Janine, who Brigg and others termed the “Wonder Twins.” I was really upset that Yan went over Janine this week. I really wanted the “Wonder Twins” powers to be fully de-activated!


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