90210 and Melrose Place: Shockingly I liked the MP this week!
So this week on “90210” I loved the storyline with Gia and Adrianna, with Adrianna not only exploring her sexuality but refusing to put a label on it or subscribe to society’s labels.
I felt bad for Liam when he caught his step-dad cheating on his mom, worse for his mom who decided to stay with the guy and put up with him! I have to wonder what is going on with Annie suddenly calling him up and wanting to hang. Is she after him? She just got back into Naomi and the others’ good graces, she’s gunna screw that up!
The show ended with Jasper calling Annie and threatening to commit suicide. Didn’t see that one coming! I don’t know why, but I got the feeling he was standing on her roof. I expected him to jump and fly by her window at the end, but it didn’t happen.
Naomi has landed herself in hot water thanks to her mouth. Shocking! She’s accused a new faculty member of sexually harassing her because he kicked her off the school paper. You’d think Naomi would have learned her gossiping lessons by now.
Dixon’s birth mother planned to head back home, but not before catching Aunt Becky kissing on her yoga instructor. He made the move, which she told him was wrong. She planned to tell Harry, but Dixon’s mom suggested she not as it would just cause more tension. I have some bizarre feeling that Dixon’s mom would love that though.
Over to “Melrose Place,” shockingly I actually liked this episode. However at this point I fear it’s too little too late!
Amanda is back to being a bitch. It appears she’s stealing from her own company and now framing Ella. Loved it. Why did it take this long to make Amanda interesting again?
Lauren coming out great as a hooker to the residents was great, and I felt so bad for her when David walked out on her.
I even somehow was able to tolerate that boring couple being jealous of each other in this episode.
In the end though . . too little too late. I think this show is doomed. Had they bothered to bring back the old cast a little more regularly and use them like they did in this episode, the show could have worked!