90210 and That Place That Begins With An M

90210 and That Place That Begins With An M

Posted by Dustin on 03.26.2010 at 2:26 pm

So I can’t believe it, but I am actually enjoying “90210.” I know, someone slap me! I’m not enjoying all of it, but it is holding my attention.

Dixon’s birthmom’s resurfacing seems to have led Dixon down the gambling path. Uh oh! I’m glad he’s at least not drooling and dwelling over Silver anymore. That storyline was just dumb. I have to admit though I thought through this whole last show that the mom had something to do with Dixon and Annie’s car getting stolen, but she didn’t.

Annie continued to be stalked by Jasper, who was the one who got rid of her car and all the evidence tying her to his uncle’s murder. I am wondering how this whole story will end. I’m beginning to think that Annie may not have killed him, only thought she did? Given how nuts Jasper is, I think he might have finished the job to get to Annie. I could also see a cliffhanger season finale with him kidnapping her.

Silver worried Teddy was cheating on her though, and snooped into his email and personal life, which made him realize he couldn’t trust her like he thought he could. Wow didn’t see that one coming . . . not!

I really liked the story with Gia and Adrianna, with Gia finally coming clean and confessing to Adrianna that she liked her. Oh dear, Adrianna didn’t seem prepared for that one.

I am not still liking the story with Debbie flirting with her yoga instructor, but I guess with the dad/Harry leaving the show after this season they have to set up something for her and explain their marriage tanking (unless they kill him).

As for Melrose Place . . . . . . . . oh sorry, I lost my train of thought there. Honestly at this point just take this drivel off the air. It was a total bore and I don’t find myself invested in any of the couples one bit. I don’t think even Heather Locklear can save this show!




  1. I must have missed a post… why is Harry/dad leaving the show? It’s not that he has a great storyline but he still serves a purpose. I, too, have almost reluctantly started enjoying the show. I still wish the adults were a little more involved.

    Comment by KelBelle
    03.29.2010 at 12:26 pm
  2. The actor decided he wanted out. It was never really settled why (there were rumors he was unhappy/wanted more money).

    Alas many of the adults are also gone 🙁 Kelly’s character (Jennie Garth) is out as well, the actress confirmed months ago she’s not doing the show anymore. I assume Kelly will just vanish soon. The other older characters are probably just as gone with Kelly out.

    Comment by Dustin
    03.29.2010 at 12:35 pm

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