Ghost Whisperer: Shinnies, Shadows and No More Book
So we’ve had two weeks of new “Ghost Whisperer,” but unfortunately in now seems we go into “March Madness” basketball season, so there is no episode for next week. First the Olympics bumped everything, now this? Seriously! I want my TV!
The evil shadow serving dean of Rockland University met his end in last week’s episode, but at the same time took the Book of Changes with him. He traded Dehlia’s life for the book, only to learn the book saved itself by erasing itself. Then he and the book went boom in an explosion.
So all this storyline has in part been about the book, and now it’s just gone? Where will we go from here, what will guide Melinda and Eli? Aidan I guess?
The shadows I assume are still out there. This week dealt with some ghost woman in a haunted house collecting spirits for the shadows. But without the book, we don’t know what’s coming down the line with them or what they even want. Again I guess it’s up to Aidan and his shinnies.
On a side note, not to be gossipy, but it broke this week that Jennifer Love and Jamie Kennedy finally broke up. It’s been gossip for a few months, but she finally confirmed it. With their off screen romance dunzo, I have to wonder how long before Eli is dunzo on screen and on this show?
Post Note:Went back and rewatched the show after a comment from Melissa 🙂 I had it on but as usual was multi-tasking when it was playing. Ned’s been a bad bad boy, the Book of Shadows is now in his possession!
Post-Note 2: After finishing a second run-through, I don’t like where this story is going with the Shadows collecting ghost kids. Aidan is headed for deep doo-doo! The book won’t tell them anything, or at least not Ned. My original thoughts thus still stand, Aidan and the shinnies to the rescue? Or Aidan in a lot of trouble! Remember the book seemed to originally foretell his death!
The book transferred itself to Ned’s Econ book. He was looking at it at the end of last week’s episode and in this past episode.
03.14.2010 at 11:03 pm
Ahhh I got bored with this week and wasn’t watching much lol. I meant to go back and watch it, I made sure to record as I was also cleaning my flooded house. I wondered what was going on with him and why he was on so much hehe.
03.14.2010 at 11:08 pm
I’m gunna go sit down and rewatch it now for the book parts lol. Then maybe see if Grey’s is on demand yet so I can see the beginning of it since Kole said it was good.
03.14.2010 at 11:14 pm
I think the only reason Ned has not said it has returned is that his mom was overly wigged out by all of this.
The dean is now around as a ghost so I think he knows that Ned has the book which will put Ned in the direct line of fire…. thus straining Delia and Melinda’s relationship even more then it is.
03.15.2010 at 1:25 pm
I was under the impression that the Shadows blew him up like they did the old lady at the end of this episode.
03.15.2010 at 1:51 pm