90210 and Melrose Finally Return!

90210 and Melrose Finally Return!

Posted by Dustin on 03.10.2010 at 10:09 pm

So last night “90210” and “Melrose Place” finally returned, after what seems to be months off the air. Here are some quick thoughts. It’s been a long day, and I can’t remember everyone’s name 🙂 I’m also too tired to go look them up and say “Oh yeah that’s it!”

“90210?” I don’t know. I don’t like the whole story with Jasper blackmailing Annie into staying with him at all. I have a feeling he’s going to find himself as dead as his uncle soon!

The Naomi-Liam-Surfer Girl triangle bored me to tears I’m afraid. I rather see Liam with Surfer Girl than Naomi honestly.

The same goes for Dickson-Silver-Teddy. What the hell, suddenly Dickson suddenly realizes he still loves Silver and wants to be with her?

Adrianna and Rumer Willis’ lesbian romance could be interesting, if done right. It at least seems cute, sweet and innocent at this point, unlike all the other romances on the show.

Finally a big NO to “Aunt Becky” suddenly finding the yoga instructor cute at the end of the show. After having to deal with her uproar over Kelly and her husband, this is what she does?

As for “Melrose Place,” well I hadn’t seen the last 3 episodes or so, so I never saw the resolve to the Syndey murder storyline. It seems I really haven’t missed too much. I felt the show was a bit of a snoozer. That boring couple who were engaged is still having problems and still stinking up the scream with their lack of chemistry!


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I have no interest in watching these shows anymore, so I just won’t but I can tell you that it was Michael’s wife that killed Sydney don’t know her name but she tried to kill Violet in the last episode

    Comment by justwondering
    03.11.2010 at 6:17 pm

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