Grey’s and Practice Compete For Gold!
We got new episodes of both “Grey’s” and “Practice” this week, competing against the Olympics for viewers.
On “Grey’s” we got an episode where many of the doctors shared past experiences so the residents could learn from them. The current stories thus weren’t really advanced too much. However the show was really enjoyable, and some interesting things may come from it.
Callie’s story, in which she worked with Alex, revealed they had a past fling. Uh oh! Arizona did not seem to happy at all, especially since it seems she’s been grooming Alex as her student. Situation awkward for sure.
Bailey’s back story, how she went from a shy little intern to the terminator was really good, and my favorite part of the whole episode.
The Chief’s back story, when he was younger with Meridith’s mom, was interesting because we learned it was her mom that turned him onto alcohol, he didn’t even like it before her. This could be interesting if Meridith ever found out.
Onto “Private Practice,” lord no, they did it again. More baby deaths! Addison and Naomi had a patient whose baby was born prematurely and with some condition that basically the steps they had to go through to save it not only were painful to the baby, but also did almost nothing to increase the baby’s odds at surviving much longer let alone having any kind of normal life. The parents wanted to try it, but Addison eventually stopped saying she couldn’t keep doing this to their child and they’d have to get another doctor. In the end, after a talk from Naomi, the parents realized they had to let their child go.
Yet another heart wrenching story, but this time at least it wasn’t there to just be there. Maya’s wedding was coming up, and Sam finally told Noami off, to grow up and be a parent otherwise Dink’s mother would take her place, she already was in some aspects. Naomi, through the story with the baby, realized how lucky she was to have Maya and was there for her on her wedding day.
In the end Maya did get married to Dink. I had hoped Naomi turning up would have caused second thought, that at the altar she would have stopped and said this was a mistake and rushed into, but they said their “I Dos.” Blah, we all know they aren’t going to live happily ever after!
The wedding lead to other drama for some of the guests. Sam learned about Addison and Pete and he was furious. He tried to pull the same thing Addison did, saying Pete was his friend just like Naomi was her friend. He told her he did not even want to see Addison anymore. Sam is just being a baby at this point, but I think we all know they’re going to give into each other (and probably get walked in on by Naomi!)
The drama between Charlotte and Cooper continued. He found out her new boytoy was a drug addict, while she was horrified to see Cooper is dating a replacement of her (blond and southern). At the end, at the wedding reception, they had angry sex with one another.